Our lawyers have the expertise and experience to provide you with creative, personalised solutions in a clear and understandable way.
Discover a wealth of invaluable guidance in the form of guides and brochures written by our expert lawyers.
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Clarifying complexity and protecting your assets
With tax and succession laws becoming increasingly complex, you need a trusted adviser to help you navigate the landscape and structure your wealth in a way that ensures tax efficiency and fulfils the requirements of you and your family. We regularly work with advisers around the world to ensure that advice in different jurisdictions is properly coordinated.
Our team works closely with wealthy international individuals and families to support them in protecting their wealth now and in the future. Our clients’ assets can be complex and diverse requiring the deployment of a variety of holding vehicles including trusts, foundations, companies and partnerships.
We offer a truly bespoke service by gaining a complete understanding of your circumstances and priorities. We can then devise uniquely tailored and sophisticated frameworks which manage your wealth effectively, providing the necessary flexibility to respond to changing circumstances. Our team has a reputation for taking a creative approach and we pride ourselves on continually striving to find new and better ways to help our clients manage their wealth.
+44 20 7468 7351+44 7879 842645peter.daniel@collyerbristow.com
Explore the nuances of some of the most common aspects of UK/USA cross-border tax and estate planning.
Clients often have assets in a number of different jurisdictions. It is crucial to give careful thought to an estate plan that considers the tax and succession rules in each country. For example, do forced heirship rules prevent you leaving assets to your chosen beneficiaries? Can a client choose which law should apply on death? Is a separate will needed in each jurisdiction, or is one worldwide will sufficient? What taxes will apply and can they be mitigated? Should assets be transferred to a structure during lifetime to avoid unattractive succession laws? Our team can provide a considered estate plan to cut through these issues to ensure the best outcome.
Foreign individuals moving to the UK will want to be able to fund their life here in as tax-efficient a way as is possible. Careful pre-immigration planning can help to achieve this. This may involve structuring assets so as to make optimal use of the remittance basis of taxation, and triggering the receipt of income or capital gains before becoming UK resident.
We regularly advise individuals who are not domiciled in the UK, but who are resident here or have other UK connections, on how best to structure their wealth. Trusts created by individuals who are not domiciled in the UK, and containing assets situated outside the UK, can remain outside the scope of UK inheritance tax. They can therefore be a very attractive structure for clients in the right circumstances.
We support our clients with individually tailored legal advice, in areas such as:
This document outlines how the UK may have a different tax treatment of US living trusts
and how the UK concept of domicile may give rise to UK tax in unexpected ways.
Turkish Language | An overview of our Private Wealth services for individuals and families based in the UK and overseas.
International trusts, tax & estate planning insights
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International trusts, tax & estate planning key contacts
Partner - Head of Private Wealth
Talk to Peter about UK trusts, tax & estate planning, International trusts, tax & estate planning, Private wealth, Probate and US/UK Tax & estate planning
International trusts, tax & estate planning
Wealthy individuals and families with international affairs must give careful consideration to ensure that their assets are protected and passed on to future generations in a way which is effective and efficient in all the relevant jurisdictions. Whether the circumstances involve assets owned in various parts of the world or foreign people living in or moving to the UK, without proactive and strategic planning there is a risk of assets passing in an unintended way or valuable opportunities being missed.
Our lawyers have the expertise and experience to provide you with creative, personalised solutions in a clear and understandable way.
Discover a wealth of invaluable guidance in the form of guides and brochures written by our expert lawyers.
Discover the latest insights and thought leadership from our team of legal experts.
With tax and succession laws becoming increasingly complex, you need a trusted adviser to help you navigate the landscape and structure your wealth in a way that ensures tax efficiency and fulfils the requirements of you and your family. We regularly work with advisers around the world to ensure that advice in different jurisdictions is properly coordinated.
Our team works closely with wealthy international individuals and families to support them in protecting their wealth now and in the future. Our clients’ assets can be complex and diverse requiring the deployment of a variety of holding vehicles including trusts, foundations, companies and partnerships.
We offer a truly bespoke service by gaining a complete understanding of your circumstances and priorities. We can then devise uniquely tailored and sophisticated frameworks which manage your wealth effectively, providing the necessary flexibility to respond to changing circumstances. Our team has a reputation for taking a creative approach and we pride ourselves on continually striving to find new and better ways to help our clients manage their wealth.
Explore the nuances of some of the most common aspects of UK/USA cross-border tax and estate planning.
Clients often have assets in a number of different jurisdictions. It is crucial to give careful thought to an estate plan that considers the tax and succession rules in each country. For example, do forced heirship rules prevent you leaving assets to your chosen beneficiaries? Can a client choose which law should apply on death? Is a separate will needed in each jurisdiction, or is one worldwide will sufficient? What taxes will apply and can they be mitigated? Should assets be transferred to a structure during lifetime to avoid unattractive succession laws? Our team can provide a considered estate plan to cut through these issues to ensure the best outcome.
Foreign individuals moving to the UK will want to be able to fund their life here in as tax-efficient a way as is possible. Careful pre-immigration planning can help to achieve this. This may involve structuring assets so as to make optimal use of the remittance basis of taxation, and triggering the receipt of income or capital gains before becoming UK resident.
We regularly advise individuals who are not domiciled in the UK, but who are resident here or have other UK connections, on how best to structure their wealth. Trusts created by individuals who are not domiciled in the UK, and containing assets situated outside the UK, can remain outside the scope of UK inheritance tax. They can therefore be a very attractive structure for clients in the right circumstances.
International trusts, tax & estate planning insights
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