Pricing information: Probate – uncontested cases where all assets are in the UK

Our fees

Our charges for the administration of an estate are based on the amount of time spent working on the matter, and on the seniority and experience of the fee earners involved. Our charges will be specifically agreed at the outset, once we are aware of the relevant details.

Our current hourly rates range from £295 for a trainee solicitor to £895 for a senior partner/consultant. Where applicable, VAT will be added to our hourly rates at 20%.


Disbursements are costs related to a matter that are payable to third parties. We handle the payment of disbursements on behalf of our clients to ensure a smooth process, and these costs are subsequently added to our invoice.

The disbursements usually incurred during the administration of an estate include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Court fee upon application for a grant of representation: £300 plus £1.50 per official copy grant required
  • Statutory advertisements in the London Gazette and a local newspaper (to protect the personal representatives against claims from unknown creditors): approx. £200
  • Land Registry Office Copy Entry fees: £3 per document
  • Bankruptcy-only Land Charges Department searches: £2 per search

Where applicable, VAT will be added to disbursements at 20%.

Typical charges

We do not charge fixed fees for estate administration. Our charges are dependent upon the complexities of the deceased’s affairs, as these govern how much time is spent working on a matter. As each estate is different, it is difficult to give a general estimate of our typical fees. However, our overall charges usually equate to 2% – 4% of the gross value of an estate. Note that this is simply a guide, and our charges may decrease or increase depending on the specific circumstances.

By way of example, if there are limited assets which are all situated within the UK, and if there is only one beneficiary, then our charges will normally be relatively low. In comparison, if there are several assets some of which are international, and if there are a significant number of beneficiaries, then our charges will usually be higher.

Typically, the cost of obtaining a grant of representation and administering an uncontested estate consisting solely of assets situated in the UK, where the deceased was UK domiciled and where an inheritance tax account is not required, will be between £7,500 and £25,000.

What services are not included in our fees?

The following services may be required during the course of an estate administration, and they are not included within our typical charges detailed above. If required, we will charge for these services separately, and we will provide a quote for the additional work.

  • Dealing with the sale or transfer of a property within an estate
  • Preparing deeds of variation or any other paperwork required in order to vary the terms of a Will or the rules of intestacy
  • Implementing, administering, and/or winding up any trusts created on death
  • Disputes about the validity of a Will or how an estate should be administered, or claims or potential claims against an estate.

How long will it take?

The administration of a non-taxable estate can often be finalised within 18 months, and the administration of a taxable estate can often be finalised within two years. However, these timescales are subject to the individual circumstances and complexities of the estate in question. For instance, if a dispute arises, then these timescales will be elongated.

Our team

You may review the experience and qualifications of our Probate Team here.


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