Financial Services Winter update 2021

Our Financial Services team cover the latest issues in the industry, including Private Equity disputes, LIBOR transition & Crypto fraud.

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Private Equity disputes – Clawing their way back?

The post-Covid economic recovery has seen high levels of M & A activity, with private equity firms eager to deploy funds following a muted 2020. Nichola Leach discussed whether this is likely to lead to an upswing in private equity related disputes and the potential battlegrounds between the interested parties.

LIBOR transition: Where are we and what happens next?

With LIBOR ceasing to exist at the end of this year, Jean-Martin Louw will gave an overview of the latest developments in the LIBOR transition process and discuss the consequences for UK agreements that still reference the benchmark.

Crypto fraud – The English Court flexes its muscles

The English courts are increasingly willing to use the full range of their world-leading information gathering and enforcement tools to assist the victims of crypto fraud. Ryan Lynch discussed the recent case of Fetch ai v Persons Unknown and Others, which involved a sophisticated fraud using unauthorised access to the claimant’s accounts on a cryptocurrency exchange.

The seminar was followed by a Q & A session.

Chaired by Robin Henry, Partner.

Run time: 59 minutes

Disclaimer: This content is provided for general information only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice. Appropriate legal or other professional opinion should be taken before taking or omitting to take any action in respect of any specific problem. Collyer Bristow LLP accepts no liability for any loss or damage which may arise from reliance on information contained in this material.

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    • Financial Services Winter update 2021

      Private Equity disputes, LIBOR transition & Crypto fraud

      Published 3 December 2021



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    Private Equity disputes – Clawing their way back?

    The post-Covid economic recovery has seen high levels of M & A activity, with private equity firms eager to deploy funds following a muted 2020. Nichola Leach discussed whether this is likely to lead to an upswing in private equity related disputes and the potential battlegrounds between the interested parties.

    LIBOR transition: Where are we and what happens next?

    With LIBOR ceasing to exist at the end of this year, Jean-Martin Louw will gave an overview of the latest developments in the LIBOR transition process and discuss the consequences for UK agreements that still reference the benchmark.

    Crypto fraud – The English Court flexes its muscles

    The English courts are increasingly willing to use the full range of their world-leading information gathering and enforcement tools to assist the victims of crypto fraud. Ryan Lynch discussed the recent case of Fetch ai v Persons Unknown and Others, which involved a sophisticated fraud using unauthorised access to the claimant’s accounts on a cryptocurrency exchange.

    The seminar was followed by a Q & A session.

    Chaired by Robin Henry, Partner.

    Run time: 59 minutes

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