ESG and the Private Investor

To what extent are ESG credentials considered when making investment decisions?

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In this recording of our recent virtual debate we discuss the extent to which the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) credentials of a company or investment are considered when making investment decisions.

Chaired by Collyer Bristow’s Janine Alexander and Ragavan Arunachalam, our panel included experts from Perscitus, Tamweel Capital and Fidelity. They discussed:

• How the ESG credentials of an investment opportunity are currently assessed
• To what extent is ESG now a financial as well as a ‘moral’ consideration
• How ESG credentials are demonstrated and challenged
• The effect of ‘greenwashing’ – what happens when an investment makes a loss or reduced profit because ESG credentials are misleading or false
• The potential for claims if ESG credentials are misleading or false

The discussion was recorded live on 14th October 2021.

Run time: 59 minutes

Disclaimer: This content is provided for general information only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice. Appropriate legal or other professional opinion should be taken before taking or omitting to take any action in respect of any specific problem. Collyer Bristow LLP accepts no liability for any loss or damage which may arise from reliance on information contained in this material.

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    • ESG and the Private Investor

      Watch our latest webinar: ESG and the Private Investor.

      Published 20 October 2021



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    In this recording of our recent virtual debate we discuss the extent to which the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) credentials of a company or investment are considered when making investment decisions.

    Chaired by Collyer Bristow’s Janine Alexander and Ragavan Arunachalam, our panel included experts from Perscitus, Tamweel Capital and Fidelity. They discussed:

    • How the ESG credentials of an investment opportunity are currently assessed
    • To what extent is ESG now a financial as well as a ‘moral’ consideration
    • How ESG credentials are demonstrated and challenged
    • The effect of ‘greenwashing’ – what happens when an investment makes a loss or reduced profit because ESG credentials are misleading or false
    • The potential for claims if ESG credentials are misleading or false

    The discussion was recorded live on 14th October 2021.

    Run time: 59 minutes

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