Our lawyers have the expertise and experience to provide you with creative, personalised solutions in a clear and understandable way.
Discover a wealth of invaluable guidance in the form of guides and brochures written by our expert lawyers.
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More recently, large private companies have been brought under the corporate governance banner. From 2019, all companies that meet the relevant thresholds, whether public or private, have to report on whether they follow a formal code of corporate governance and, if not, explain why not. This latest set of rules reflects the significant impact that large companies have on customers, employees, pensioners, suppliers and communities, irrespective of their legal status.
Our corporate lawyers in London help listed and privately-owned companies, multinational organisations, boards of directors and company secretaries ensure that:
We have a wealth of experience in advising on corporate governance structures, both for domestic and international businesses. We offer sophisticated advice on the full spectrum of issues, including:
With increasing pressure on boards of directors to remain up to date and compliant to avoid serious fines or criminal prosecution, the need for control over your corporate governance is more important than ever. As a full-service, highly ranked law firm, we will ensure your organisation is aligned with the ever-changing corporate governance landscape with a view to protecting long-term stakeholder value.
+44 20 7470 4409+44 7796 712885sharon.fryer@collyerbristow.com
+44 20 7470 4434+44 7958 466786nigel.brahams@collyerbristow.com
Establishing a business presence in the UK can be a transformative step for an overseas company. This guide explores the key differences between setting up a subsidiary or registering a branch, helping you navigate critical considerations like liability, financial reporting, and setup processes. Whether you’re looking to test the UK market or plan a long-term investment, this guide provides clarity on the most suitable structure for your needs.
Discover our latest Corporate Know-How guides.
Creating new share classes can be a useful way of attracting new participants, allowing a company to offer shares that are particularly focussed towards their desired investors. Whether you are considering re-organising the ownership of your business or are keen to understand the most suitable structure for a planned investment, this guide can help you with some common questions in relation to share classes.
Discover our new series of Corporate Know-How guides.
Prior to approaching the market or agreeing terms with a prospective buyer, undertaking adequate preparations for sale can contribute to a smoother transaction for all parties. In this guide, we look at some key questions to consider in respect of the readiness of a business for a potential sale.
Discover our new series of Corporate Know-How guides.
Put simply, a share buyback is where a company purchases its own shares from an existing shareholder. In this guide, we will look at some key aspects of share buybacks in relation to private limited companies incorporated in England & Wales.
Discover our new series of Corporate Know-How guides.
In this guide we will look at heads of terms as they relate to the sale of a business or assets in England & Wales. Whether identified as “heads of terms”, a “letter of intent” or “heads of agreement”, these documents summarise the key terms of a proposed transaction.
Discover our new series of Corporate Know-How guides.
Whether you are a minority shareholder concerned about what influence you can exert over a company’s affairs, or a founding shareholder, considering the amount of equity you would be prepared to sell to investors without losing control – this guide is here to help you understand what shareholders can do and when.
Discover our new series of Corporate Know-How guides.
Share and asset purchases are the two methods of acquiring a business in the UK.
Do you know their differences? The business of a sole trader or unregistered partnership can only be acquired through an asset purchase as there is no owning entity for the assets which can be acquired, while a share purchase can be used for the acquisition of all or part of the shares in a company which owns and operates a business.
Discover our new series of Corporate Know-How guides.
Did you know that a shareholders’ agreement is a written agreement, between the shareholders of a company, as to the relationship between them and how the company should be managed. By including the company as a party, the shareholders can ensure that it is both bound by and able to enforce the terms of the agreement against contravening shareholders.
Discover our new series of Corporate Know-How guides.
We look at the flip side of price structuring, instead focusing on how a seller could secure elements of the purchase price that are delayed – or at least obtain comfort around the buyer’s ability to pay them.
Discover our new series of Corporate Know-How guides.
When making an offer for a business, the question of when the consideration will be paid can often be just as important as how much will be paid. We look at four of the most common options available to prospective buyers (beyond upfront cash payments) and the risks/rewards posed by them.
Discover our new series of Corporate Know-How guides.
There are a number of key policies, procedures and documents your business should keep up to date, to be both legally protected and in preparation for investment or exit. Our team will give your business a full check-over.
Collyer Bristow recently commissioned market researchers YouGov to ask 501 private investors with at least £100,000 of investable assets for their views on ESG investment decisions and performance.
In this short report we explore how important the ESG agenda is to private investors, what drives their decision making, what aspects of the ESG agenda are most important, and the need for greater transparency in reporting.
Turkish Language | An overview of our services supporting ambitious, often owner managed businesses, investors and entrepreneurs in building, operating and scaling enterprises from early stage right through to exit.
An overview of the expertise of our Corporate team in relation to mergers and acquisitions, where we act for experienced private equity backed buyers as well more novice sellers who need careful guidance through this potentially daunting legal maze.
An overview of our services supporting ambitious mid-sized businesses, investors and successful entrepreneurs in building, operating and scaling enterprises.
Whether you are looking to set up a new business here or expand an existing one, this guide covers the key things you need to know to avoid potential pitfalls and get the most out of your investment.
Are you considering new funding for your business? Our handy flowchart highlights key questions to ask yourself and key points to document to ensure your business is protected.
An investor will want a range of financial, commercial and legal information about your business, before deciding how much to invest, and on what terms. This checklist helps you prepare for the legal part of that process.
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Corporate Governance
Traditionally, corporate governance has been the preserve of listed companies. For many years now, all listed public companies in the UK have been asked to ‘comply or explain’ – either follow the UK Corporate Governance Code or explain why they do not.
Our lawyers have the expertise and experience to provide you with creative, personalised solutions in a clear and understandable way.
Discover a wealth of invaluable guidance in the form of guides and brochures written by our expert lawyers.
Discover the latest insights and thought leadership from our team of legal experts.
More recently, large private companies have been brought under the corporate governance banner. From 2019, all companies that meet the relevant thresholds, whether public or private, have to report on whether they follow a formal code of corporate governance and, if not, explain why not. This latest set of rules reflects the significant impact that large companies have on customers, employees, pensioners, suppliers and communities, irrespective of their legal status.
Our corporate lawyers in London help listed and privately-owned companies, multinational organisations, boards of directors and company secretaries ensure that:
We have a wealth of experience in advising on corporate governance structures, both for domestic and international businesses. We offer sophisticated advice on the full spectrum of issues, including:
With increasing pressure on boards of directors to remain up to date and compliant to avoid serious fines or criminal prosecution, the need for control over your corporate governance is more important than ever. As a full-service, highly ranked law firm, we will ensure your organisation is aligned with the ever-changing corporate governance landscape with a view to protecting long-term stakeholder value.
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