Our lawyers have the expertise and experience to provide you with creative, personalised solutions in a clear and understandable way.
Discover a wealth of invaluable guidance in the form of guides and brochures written by our expert lawyers.
Are you certain your business’ IP rights are protected?
Information can be protected as ‘confidential’ in England and Wales, provided it has a ‘quality of confidence’ (i.e. is not known publicly) andit was imparted in circumstances where the recipient should have realised that the information was intended to be kept secret. Almost every business will have confidential information. Examples include employee records, details of new business concepts and strategic initiatives, customer lists and financial information.
If confidential information is used or disclosed without the owner’s consent in a way that is detrimental to the owner, for example, to help a competitor undercut prices, then legal remedies are available. If the information has not yetr been disclosed publicly, then an injunction may be granted to prevent further use or publication. If the information has been used and/or disclosed, then then unauthorised user may be ordered to pay damages or other compensation.
A trade secret is a specialist type of commercially valuable information which is secret and has been subject to reasonable steps to keep it secret. For example, a non-disclosure agreement has been negotiated to ensure that confidentiality is maintained.
There is significant overlap between the test for what amounts to confidential information and the test for a trade secret. However, a major difference is there is no need to show that the trade secrets have been used or disclosed in order for the owner to protect them. Under The Trade Secrets (Enforcement, etc.) Regulations 2018, claims may be brought for ‘prying eyes’ alone, which is beneficial when you can’t prove that anything has been done with the trade secrets.
Know-how can take many forms and includes technical or business expertise that relates to the way something is done, such as a methodology or a production process. It usually results from research or working experience and is not always written down, which can make it difficult to define. However, if all or part of it is not publicly available, then it may be protected as confidential information.
A big issue with know-how is that it often travels with an employee. Contractual restraints are often the best way to stop valuable know-how from leaving the building. Collyer Bristow can help to ensure that employment contracts contain appropriate restrictions on what a departing employee can take with them.
Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) have recently been criticised for their role in preventing individuals who have agreed terms of settlement in a dispute from being able to talk about the dispute subsequently. However they are both legitimate and valuable tools in a commercial context for explicitly defining confidential information, trade secrets and know-how and providing contractual remedies for breach of confidentiality. It’s generally easier to enforce a contractual obligation than a claim under the common law or Trade Secrets Regulation, so NDAs are often the first line of defence in protecting confidential information.
Care is needed when negotiating and drafting an NDA to ensure that it will be enforceable. The key issues include: is the information truly confidential? Does it belong to you? Has the information been shared with anyone before? Is the NDA overreaching or too restrictive? Is it anti-competitive? Does it apply unilaterally or bi/multi-laterally?
Our specialist confidential information lawyers can guide you through these complex questions. We can help you:
Our team has years of experience in complex misuse of confidential information cases. We can help you keep ahead of the competition and ensure that your valuable confidential information remains safe and protected against misuse.
+44 20 7470 4432+44 7786 962089patrick.wheeler@collyerbristow.com
As the opportunities for digital businesses grow, so does the legislation. E-commerce regulations, distance selling regulations, consumer protection from unfair trading, electronic marketing regulations, GDPR and their international equivalents – all these regulations need to be complied with before you can sell online.
We specialise in helping businesses navigate the complex area of e-commerce law, including the additional complexities associated with operating your businesses in foreign countries over the web. Our advice includes:
Our commercial solicitors have experience drafting all types of e-commerce agreements, with a thorough understanding of laws relating to online trading. Whatever your commercial objectives, we are confident we have a solution that achieves the dual goals of preserving the customer experience while ensuring your company is well protected from risk.
There are a number of key policies, procedures and documents your business should keep up to date, to be both legally protected and in preparation for investment or exit. Our team will give your business a full check-over.
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Partner - Head of IP & Data Protection
Talk to Patrick about Intellectual property disputes, Data protection, Digital, Intellectual property and Manufacturing
Confidential Information
Every business will create or hold information that is private and/or commercially sensitive. It is important to take steps to protect the confidentiality of that information to avoid it becoming public knowledge or ending up in the hands of a competitor. Collyer Bristow can advise on practical steps to protect confidentiality, as well as legal remedies if you discover or suspect that such information has been or may be misused.
Our lawyers have the expertise and experience to provide you with creative, personalised solutions in a clear and understandable way.
Discover a wealth of invaluable guidance in the form of guides and brochures written by our expert lawyers.
Are you certain your business’ IP rights are protected?
Information can be protected as ‘confidential’ in England and Wales, provided it has a ‘quality of confidence’ (i.e. is not known publicly) andit was imparted in circumstances where the recipient should have realised that the information was intended to be kept secret. Almost every business will have confidential information. Examples include employee records, details of new business concepts and strategic initiatives, customer lists and financial information.
If confidential information is used or disclosed without the owner’s consent in a way that is detrimental to the owner, for example, to help a competitor undercut prices, then legal remedies are available. If the information has not yetr been disclosed publicly, then an injunction may be granted to prevent further use or publication. If the information has been used and/or disclosed, then then unauthorised user may be ordered to pay damages or other compensation.
A trade secret is a specialist type of commercially valuable information which is secret and has been subject to reasonable steps to keep it secret. For example, a non-disclosure agreement has been negotiated to ensure that confidentiality is maintained.
There is significant overlap between the test for what amounts to confidential information and the test for a trade secret. However, a major difference is there is no need to show that the trade secrets have been used or disclosed in order for the owner to protect them. Under The Trade Secrets (Enforcement, etc.) Regulations 2018, claims may be brought for ‘prying eyes’ alone, which is beneficial when you can’t prove that anything has been done with the trade secrets.
Know-how can take many forms and includes technical or business expertise that relates to the way something is done, such as a methodology or a production process. It usually results from research or working experience and is not always written down, which can make it difficult to define. However, if all or part of it is not publicly available, then it may be protected as confidential information.
A big issue with know-how is that it often travels with an employee. Contractual restraints are often the best way to stop valuable know-how from leaving the building. Collyer Bristow can help to ensure that employment contracts contain appropriate restrictions on what a departing employee can take with them.
Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) have recently been criticised for their role in preventing individuals who have agreed terms of settlement in a dispute from being able to talk about the dispute subsequently. However they are both legitimate and valuable tools in a commercial context for explicitly defining confidential information, trade secrets and know-how and providing contractual remedies for breach of confidentiality. It’s generally easier to enforce a contractual obligation than a claim under the common law or Trade Secrets Regulation, so NDAs are often the first line of defence in protecting confidential information.
Care is needed when negotiating and drafting an NDA to ensure that it will be enforceable. The key issues include: is the information truly confidential? Does it belong to you? Has the information been shared with anyone before? Is the NDA overreaching or too restrictive? Is it anti-competitive? Does it apply unilaterally or bi/multi-laterally?
Our specialist confidential information lawyers can guide you through these complex questions. We can help you:
Our team has years of experience in complex misuse of confidential information cases. We can help you keep ahead of the competition and ensure that your valuable confidential information remains safe and protected against misuse.
As the opportunities for digital businesses grow, so does the legislation. E-commerce regulations, distance selling regulations, consumer protection from unfair trading, electronic marketing regulations, GDPR and their international equivalents – all these regulations need to be complied with before you can sell online.
We specialise in helping businesses navigate the complex area of e-commerce law, including the additional complexities associated with operating your businesses in foreign countries over the web. Our advice includes:
Our commercial solicitors have experience drafting all types of e-commerce agreements, with a thorough understanding of laws relating to online trading. Whatever your commercial objectives, we are confident we have a solution that achieves the dual goals of preserving the customer experience while ensuring your company is well protected from risk.
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