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Are you certain your business’ IP rights are protected?
A database can be protected in three different ways under English law:
The Regulations define a database as a “collection of independent works, data or other materials arranged in a systematic or methodical way and individually accessible by electronic or other means.” This is a wide definition. It will cover most mailing lists, customer lists, telephone directories and other collections of information, whether they are electronic or manual paper-based systems.
A database will qualify for protection as a Database Right if there has been a “substantial investment in obtaining, verifying or presenting the contents of the database.” The investment may be financial, human or technical. However, establishing that there has been a substantial investment in the database can be a complex exercise, especially if the information was compiled haphazardly over a period of time.
Under the Regulations it’s the investment in assimilating the database that qualifies it for protection, rather than the information in the database. The contents of the database do not have to be secret or even valuable to qualify for Database Rights. As such, the Regulations offer helpful protection against wrongdoing where the contents are not classified as confidential, or where there may be doubts whether copyright exists in the content or the selection and arrangement of the data, or whether such copyright has been infringed.
A person infringes a Database Right if they extract or re-utilise all or a substantial part of the contents of a database without the owner’s consent. Re-utilisation means making the contents available to the public, for example, by distributing copies or putting them online.
Actions such as decompiling or reverse engineering a database in order to recreate it can also be deemed an infringement. Remedies for infringement of Database Rights broadly follow those available for copyright infringement i.e. damages, injunctions and orders for delivering up (returning) the infringing material.
As the summary above indicates, rights in Databases are highly technical. The best way to protect them is to look at the issue holistically and in parallel with other possible legal options, which may be contractual or based on copyright.
As a full-service Intellectual Property team, our database rights experts can help you:
+44 20 7470 4432+44 7786 962089patrick.wheeler@collyerbristow.com
As the opportunities for digital businesses grow, so does the legislation. E-commerce regulations, distance selling regulations, consumer protection from unfair trading, electronic marketing regulations, GDPR and their international equivalents – all these regulations need to be complied with before you can sell online.
We specialise in helping businesses navigate the complex area of e-commerce law, including the additional complexities associated with operating your businesses in foreign countries over the web. Our advice includes:
Our commercial solicitors have experience drafting all types of e-commerce agreements, with a thorough understanding of laws relating to online trading. Whatever your commercial objectives, we are confident we have a solution that achieves the dual goals of preserving the customer experience while ensuring your company is well protected from risk.
There are a number of key policies, procedures and documents your business should keep up to date, to be both legally protected and in preparation for investment or exit. Our team will give your business a full check-over.
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Partner - Head of IP & Data Protection
Talk to Patrick about Intellectual property disputes, Data protection, Digital, Intellectual property and Manufacturing
Database rights
Databases are becoming increasingly important and valuable assets for business. Steps should be taken to protect what you have compiled and prevent unauthorised copying and misuse.
Our lawyers have the expertise and experience to provide you with creative, personalised solutions in a clear and understandable way.
Discover a wealth of invaluable guidance in the form of guides and brochures written by our expert lawyers.
Are you certain your business’ IP rights are protected?
A database can be protected in three different ways under English law:
The Regulations define a database as a “collection of independent works, data or other materials arranged in a systematic or methodical way and individually accessible by electronic or other means.” This is a wide definition. It will cover most mailing lists, customer lists, telephone directories and other collections of information, whether they are electronic or manual paper-based systems.
A database will qualify for protection as a Database Right if there has been a “substantial investment in obtaining, verifying or presenting the contents of the database.” The investment may be financial, human or technical. However, establishing that there has been a substantial investment in the database can be a complex exercise, especially if the information was compiled haphazardly over a period of time.
Under the Regulations it’s the investment in assimilating the database that qualifies it for protection, rather than the information in the database. The contents of the database do not have to be secret or even valuable to qualify for Database Rights. As such, the Regulations offer helpful protection against wrongdoing where the contents are not classified as confidential, or where there may be doubts whether copyright exists in the content or the selection and arrangement of the data, or whether such copyright has been infringed.
A person infringes a Database Right if they extract or re-utilise all or a substantial part of the contents of a database without the owner’s consent. Re-utilisation means making the contents available to the public, for example, by distributing copies or putting them online.
Actions such as decompiling or reverse engineering a database in order to recreate it can also be deemed an infringement. Remedies for infringement of Database Rights broadly follow those available for copyright infringement i.e. damages, injunctions and orders for delivering up (returning) the infringing material.
As the summary above indicates, rights in Databases are highly technical. The best way to protect them is to look at the issue holistically and in parallel with other possible legal options, which may be contractual or based on copyright.
As a full-service Intellectual Property team, our database rights experts can help you:
As the opportunities for digital businesses grow, so does the legislation. E-commerce regulations, distance selling regulations, consumer protection from unfair trading, electronic marketing regulations, GDPR and their international equivalents – all these regulations need to be complied with before you can sell online.
We specialise in helping businesses navigate the complex area of e-commerce law, including the additional complexities associated with operating your businesses in foreign countries over the web. Our advice includes:
Our commercial solicitors have experience drafting all types of e-commerce agreements, with a thorough understanding of laws relating to online trading. Whatever your commercial objectives, we are confident we have a solution that achieves the dual goals of preserving the customer experience while ensuring your company is well protected from risk.
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