- Residential property
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Whilst it may not be possible to actively start marketing your home with the stay-at-home measures in place, there are some practical steps that you can take now which will help speed up the marketing and conveyancing processes once the measures are lifted.
2 minute read
Published 8 April 2020
Whilst it may not be possible to actively start marketing your home with the stay-at-home measures in place, there are some practical steps that you can take now which will help speed up the marketing and conveyancing processes once the measures are lifted. These include:
There may be items listed above that you feel are relevant to your property but you cannot find the information. In the case of the leasehold information (service charge accounts, ground rent receipts, etc.), a further enquiries form will be provided by your landlord and managing agent and they should be able to provide this information. If you are missing any of the certificates for works carried out to the property and it is not possible to obtain these, an alternative is to provide the buyer with an indemnity insurance policy. These are usually available for a relatively small cost.
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Shorter Reads
Whilst it may not be possible to actively start marketing your home with the stay-at-home measures in place, there are some practical steps that you can take now which will help speed up the marketing and conveyancing processes once the measures are lifted.
Published 8 April 2020
Whilst it may not be possible to actively start marketing your home with the stay-at-home measures in place, there are some practical steps that you can take now which will help speed up the marketing and conveyancing processes once the measures are lifted. These include:
There may be items listed above that you feel are relevant to your property but you cannot find the information. In the case of the leasehold information (service charge accounts, ground rent receipts, etc.), a further enquiries form will be provided by your landlord and managing agent and they should be able to provide this information. If you are missing any of the certificates for works carried out to the property and it is not possible to obtain these, an alternative is to provide the buyer with an indemnity insurance policy. These are usually available for a relatively small cost.
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Senior Associate
Specialising in Residential property and Commercial real estate
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