Shorter Reads

Careful estate planning can save you a princely sum

1 minute read

Published 15 October 2018



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Whilst the focus on today’s news should of course be on congratulating the happy parents-to-be, it is also a good opportunity to consider the impact of mixed domicile marriages on estate planning.

The question of Megan’s domicile remains an open one, depending on the extent to which one considers marrying into the Royal Family an intention to be closely connected to the United Kingdom. Whilst their children will be UK domiciled under UK law (because, generally speaking, domicile of origin reflects the domicile of the father), Megan could find herself with a different domicile to that of her children.

For couple in a similar scenario, this can have a significant impact on estate planning opportunities, for example, UK domiciled spouses only have a limited spouse exemption when passing assets to their non-UK domiciled spouse. It may also mean navigating the choppy waters of double taxation relief as more than one jurisdiction seeks to claim taxing rights over the same assets.

One expects that the couple will not be lacking in professional advisors, however. It is also worth remembering as well that Megan will become deemed UK domiciled for IHT (as well as all other UK taxes) after she has been resident for 15 out of the last 20 UK tax years. This will cause many of the UK estate planning complexities to fall away, albeit that it may bring with it a host of other matters to consider.

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Shorter Reads

Careful estate planning can save you a princely sum

Published 15 October 2018

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Whilst the focus on today’s news should of course be on congratulating the happy parents-to-be, it is also a good opportunity to consider the impact of mixed domicile marriages on estate planning.

The question of Megan’s domicile remains an open one, depending on the extent to which one considers marrying into the Royal Family an intention to be closely connected to the United Kingdom. Whilst their children will be UK domiciled under UK law (because, generally speaking, domicile of origin reflects the domicile of the father), Megan could find herself with a different domicile to that of her children.

For couple in a similar scenario, this can have a significant impact on estate planning opportunities, for example, UK domiciled spouses only have a limited spouse exemption when passing assets to their non-UK domiciled spouse. It may also mean navigating the choppy waters of double taxation relief as more than one jurisdiction seeks to claim taxing rights over the same assets.

One expects that the couple will not be lacking in professional advisors, however. It is also worth remembering as well that Megan will become deemed UK domiciled for IHT (as well as all other UK taxes) after she has been resident for 15 out of the last 20 UK tax years. This will cause many of the UK estate planning complexities to fall away, albeit that it may bring with it a host of other matters to consider.

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