Qualification date: 2012
Specialising in:
Tulin is a partner in our Tax and estate planning team, specialising primarily in international matters and with a focus on supporting wealthy Turkish and Middle Eastern clients. Her work includes advising individuals and families on cross-jurisdictional tax and planning considerations, trust structuring, succession planning, tax planning and complex international probate matters.
Tulin also advises privately owned non-UK resident businesses on their corporate restructuring in England and in Turkey, advising on appropriate structures for holding UK property and on the availability of sovereign immunity from tax. She has a particular interest in taxation of international transactions and provides services to Turkish corporate clients wishing to extend their trading activities into English markets.
She is a member of the Association of Tax Technicians, Chartered Institute of Taxation, STEP, and the Professional Network organisation.
Vergi departmani ekibimizde ortak olarak çalışan Tülin, uluslararası nitelikteki hukuki problemler konusunda uzman olup, bu konularda Türk müvekkillerimize profesyone hizmet vermektedir. Tulin’in mesleki çalışmaları, gerçek kişi ve ailelerin uluslarasi özellik taşıyan vergi planlamalari, üçüncü kişi yararına taahhütler (‘trust’), uluslarasi hukuk presipleri cercevesinde vasiyet düzenlemeleri, ve veraset ve intikal işlemlerine iliskin vergi planlaması faaliyetlerine yoğunlaşmaktadir.
Tülin, ayrıca İngiltere’de mukim olmayan özel hukuk işletmelerinin ve sirketlerinin İngiltere’de yeniden yapılanması, İngiltere’de bulunan varlıkların İngiliz hukuku çerçevesinde yönetimi, ve söz konusu işletmelerin vergiden muafiyet şartlarını değerlendirme konularında da hukuki danışmanlık yapmaktadır.
Tulin ayrica muvekkilerinin diger hukuk departmanlarindaki is ve islemlerini de yakindan takip etmekte olup, muvekkilerinin Collyer Bristow’daki nihai sorumlu ortagidir.
"She brings an entrepreneurial flair in the way in which she helps clients. She is second to none in her ability to identify solutions for clients."
Chambers & Partners High Net Worth
"Tulin Hamit is outstandingly good. She has a good Turkish client base. She is the woman you want for Turkish high net worth matters."
Chambers & Partners High Net Worth
"I specially would like to thank... Tulin Hamit for making me feel safe and secure."
Client feedback
Successfully appealing a previous HMRC decision that denied our client the ability claim ‘reasonable excuse’ for late filing of historic tax returns in respect of foreign rental income. The decision resulted in a reduction of penalties and limited the assessment period such that our client received an overpayment of tax paid.
Collyer Bristow's Tax Partner, Tulin Hamit, reacts to the news of amendments to non-dom tax rules by Rachel Reeves.
Gelir Vergisi ve Deger Artis Kazanc Vergisi
Gelir Vergisi ve Deger Artis Kazanc Vergisi
Veraset ve intikal vergisi
Update on English Inheritance Tax law from Tulin Kiranoglu-Hamit (Turkish language)
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2004 saw the beginning of our focus on Italy that has continued since. We have knowledge of the legal, commercial and cultural environments of the two countries, of the workings of Italian business, and the preferences of Italian clients.
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Tulin 's colleagues
Qualification 2012
Tulin is a partner in our Tax and estate planning team, specialising primarily in international matters and with a focus on supporting wealthy Turkish and Middle Eastern clients. Her work includes advising individuals and families on cross-jurisdictional tax and planning considerations, trust structuring, succession planning, tax planning and complex international probate matters.
Tulin also advises privately owned non-UK resident businesses on their corporate restructuring in England and in Turkey, advising on appropriate structures for holding UK property and on the availability of sovereign immunity from tax. She has a particular interest in taxation of international transactions and provides services to Turkish corporate clients wishing to extend their trading activities into English markets.
She is a member of the Association of Tax Technicians, Chartered Institute of Taxation, STEP, and the Professional Network organisation.
Vergi departmani ekibimizde ortak olarak çalışan Tülin, uluslararası nitelikteki hukuki problemler konusunda uzman olup, bu konularda Türk müvekkillerimize profesyone hizmet vermektedir. Tulin’in mesleki çalışmaları, gerçek kişi ve ailelerin uluslarasi özellik taşıyan vergi planlamalari, üçüncü kişi yararına taahhütler (‘trust’), uluslarasi hukuk presipleri cercevesinde vasiyet düzenlemeleri, ve veraset ve intikal işlemlerine iliskin vergi planlaması faaliyetlerine yoğunlaşmaktadir.
Tülin, ayrıca İngiltere’de mukim olmayan özel hukuk işletmelerinin ve sirketlerinin İngiltere’de yeniden yapılanması, İngiltere’de bulunan varlıkların İngiliz hukuku çerçevesinde yönetimi, ve söz konusu işletmelerin vergiden muafiyet şartlarını değerlendirme konularında da hukuki danışmanlık yapmaktadır.
Tulin ayrica muvekkilerinin diger hukuk departmanlarindaki is ve islemlerini de yakindan takip etmekte olup, muvekkilerinin Collyer Bristow’daki nihai sorumlu ortagidir.
"She brings an entrepreneurial flair in the way in which she helps clients. She is second to none in her ability to identify solutions for clients."
Chambers & Partners High Net Worth
"Tulin Hamit is outstandingly good. She has a good Turkish client base. She is the woman you want for Turkish high net worth matters."
Chambers & Partners High Net Worth
"I specially would like to thank... Tulin Hamit for making me feel safe and secure."
Client feedback
Successfully appealing a previous HMRC decision that denied our client the ability claim ‘reasonable excuse’ for late filing of historic tax returns in respect of foreign rental income. The decision resulted in a reduction of penalties and limited the assessment period such that our client received an overpayment of tax paid.
Collyer Bristow's Tax Partner, Tulin Hamit, reacts to the news of amendments to non-dom tax rules by Rachel Reeves.
Gelir Vergisi ve Deger Artis Kazanc Vergisi
Gelir Vergisi ve Deger Artis Kazanc Vergisi
Veraset ve intikal vergisi
Update on English Inheritance Tax law from Tulin Kiranoglu-Hamit (Turkish language)
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Specialising in International trusts, tax & estate planning, Private wealth and UK trusts, tax & estate planning
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