Our international focus
Our multi-disciplinary team provides ambitious foreign entrepreneurs and businesses with strategic and practical guidance on building and growing companies in the UK. Whilst the process may appear complicated, we guide them through each step, assisting with setting up the appropriate business structure, advising on funding and business premises and drafting the necessary commercial contracts. If your clients are looking to expand their existing overseas business by developing a UK presence, either by establishing a branch, a subsidiary or an LLP, we are well placed to advise on all registration and ongoing statutory compliance requirements.
We can then provide them with dynamic and uniquely tailored guidance which covers all their commercial needs including real estate, employment law, immigration, intellectual property, data protection and tax.
As their business expands, we also have the capability to advise on mergers and acquisitions, private equity and venture capital backing, competition law and financial services regulation. Our litigation expertise also allows us to support our clients in resolving disputes of any kind that they may encounter.
We regularly advise overseas clients on:
We are an active member of World Link for Law, a leading network of international law firms. The network comprises 70 law firms with 80 offices in 47 countries worldwide. This close network of law firms enables us to source and collaborate with high quality international legal providers in the jurisdictions that our clients require.
Wealthy individuals and families with international affairs must give careful consideration to ensure that their assets are protected and passed on to future generations in a way which is effective and efficient in all the relevant jurisdictions. Whether the circumstances involve assets owned in various parts of the world or foreign people living in or moving to the UK, without proactive and strategic planning there is a risk of assets passing in an unintended way or valuable opportunities being missed.
Our team works closely with wealthy international individuals and families to support them in protecting their wealth now and in the future. Our clients’ assets can be complex and diverse requiring the deployment of a variety of holding vehicles including trusts, foundations, companies and partnerships.
+44 20 7468 7234 +44 7778 309 594charles.avens@collyerbristow.com
+44 20 7470 4434+44 7958 466786nigel.brahams@collyerbristow.com
+44 20 7468 7351+44 7879 842645peter.daniel@collyerbristow.com
+44 20 7470 4429+44 7943 503198robin.henry@collyerbristow.com
+44 20 7470 4409+44 7796 712885sharon.fryer@collyerbristow.com
Explore the nuances of some of the most common aspects of UK/USA cross-border tax and estate planning.
We acted for a leading US software supplier in relation to an LCIA arbitration seated in London on matters arising out of the termination of contracts in a large UK infrastructure project.
We acted for a US aerospace consultancy firm in LCIA arbitration proceedings against a Saudi aerospace manufacturer in a multimillion-dollar dispute under the LCIA Rules.
We acted for UK residents inheriting wealth from the US via a US revocable living trust. Without careful attention, the clients would have faced UK tax at up to 45% on the inheritances and significant ongoing future US and UK tax and reporting requirements. However, with our analysis, we were able to recommend a way to receive the inheritances free from UK tax and entirely avoid those future administrative complexities.
We advised a foreign company facing claims for a share of its recovery in a multi-million international arbitration.
We acted for a South African mining company in ICC and Swiss arbitrations seated in London, involving allegations of fraud in connection with a mining project.
We acted on a substantial debt-recovery claim against a Swiss company, including dealing with service out of the jurisdiction and issues arising under Swiss law.
We acted for a wife in a multi-million pound financial dispute involving a number of difficult issues, including initial non-disclosure by the husband, major assets abroad and uncertain tax problems, and a large inheritance received by the wife during the divorce resulting in a major dispute about the treatment of her post acquired wealth. Experts were required in relation to accountancy, tax and property and we eventually managed to negotiate a successful settlement without the need for contested proceedings.
We acted for a client in relation to their divorce and financial remedy proceedings, with cross jurisdiction complexities and various company and security/enforcement issues. We advised the client on all aspects of the case and settled the case following a successful negotiation.
We carefully negotiated and drafted a prenuptial agreement for a client worth in excess of £100m+. The matter involved various cross-border issues and as with any prenuptial agreement, required detailed consideration and delicate handling. Both parties walked away happy with the agreement and content with the future certainty it sought to create.
We acted for a client in relation to divorce and financial remedy proceedings, following a short and childless marriage, in which we reached a very satisfactory settlement following a private financial dispute resolution hearing. There were cross-border issues and a single joint expert had to be instructed in relation to the husband’s financial services company.
Our client had been careful not to obtain UK tax residency, however, decided he wanted to come to live in the UK permanently. We advised our client on the rules of UK split year tax treatment and how he could obtain this treatment when he arrived in the UK. We also advised him on whether he would be treated under the new Foreign Income and Gains regime. Our advice gave our client the comfort of being able to come to the UK and claim the split year treatment that he was entitled to.
We advised a US resident couple on their cross border US/UK estate planning. The clients had to take care because one of the spouses was not a US citizen, meaning that the marital deduction was not available for US estate tax purposes. However, the planning also needed to ensure that the UK inheritance tax spouse exemption was available on the first death. This involved a careful reworking of the clients’ existing US-focused estate planning. As sometimes occurs, making the planning slightly simpler also made it more tax-efficient overall
We advised family members of the director of an offshore company in liquidation on dealing with enquiries from the liquidator. This involved dealing with cross-border insolvency issues and responding to threats made to examine the family members in court.
We advised a client seeking to relocate to the UK on his pre-arrival tax and estate planning. With our assistance, and at very short notice, we advised on how he could generate significant quantities of tax-efficient ‘clean capital’ prior to becoming UK tax resident. This has allowed him to reduce his exposure to UK tax considerably on meeting his UK expenditure while he is here.
We advised the client on the exposure to inheritance tax of both his traditional IRA and Roth IRA. To do so required careful consideration of his domicile, the general principles of a general power of appointment, Qualifying Non-UK Pension schemes and changes to pensions announced by the government in the October 2024 budget. Our advice gave the client clarity and enabled him to make well informed decisions about structuring his estate planning.
We are acting for the trustees in bankruptcy of a high-profile foreign national made bankrupt in England. The case raises cross-border issues as the bankrupt’s business activities were largely conducted abroad, in particular in Africa and the Middle East.
We are advising the trustees in bankruptcy of a wealthy Middle Eastern national made bankrupt in England. Assets are being pursued in two foreign jurisdictions.
We advised US citizens on their UK tax exposure as UK residents and why, perhaps initially counter-intuitively, the remittance basis of taxation would not be suitable in their circumstances. Following our advice, we managed to reduce the clients’ global tax exposure dramatically and pull them away from significant annual double tax exposure between the US and UK. This had been particularly problematic for the clients with regard to a US UTMA account they held.
Our Commercial disputes team acted in a complex cross-border fraud dispute relating to a pharmaceutical company in a claim for over £40 million.
We advised a Japanese based client on the legal and regulatory aspects in regards to raising funds via an initial coin offering (ICO) for its Stablecoin project.
Clients often have assets in a number of different jurisdictions. It is crucial to give careful thought to an estate plan that considers the tax and succession rules in each country. For example, do forced heirship rules prevent you leaving assets to your chosen beneficiaries? Can a client choose which law should apply on death? Is a separate will needed in each jurisdiction, or is one worldwide will sufficient? What taxes will apply and can they be mitigated? Should assets be transferred to a structure during lifetime to avoid unattractive succession laws? Our team can provide a considered estate plan to cut through these issues to ensure the best outcome.
Our financial services team has experience in drafting and negotiating master purchase and sale agreements for Islamic finance products, including commodity based Murabaha trades and Sukuk bonds, negotiating with a number of Middle Eastern Banks in the process.
On the disputes side, we have been instructed by a number of state-owned Middle Eastern banks over the years on various financial and commercial dispute matters. As such we are aware and very familiar with the business and other cultural issues involved in acting both for and against clients in the Arab world.
Foreign individuals moving to the UK will want to be able to fund their life here in as tax-efficient a way as is possible. Careful pre-immigration planning can help to achieve this. This may involve structuring assets so as to make optimal use of the remittance basis of taxation, and triggering the receipt of income or capital gains before becoming UK resident.
Where UK businesses want to employ nationals from outside the European Economic Area and Switzerland, they are likely to need a sponsor licence to be able to do so. To be successful in applying for the licence, an employer must be able to show that it is a genuine and legitimate organisation, that it poses no risk to immigration control, and that it has robust systems in place to be able to comply with its sponsorship duties. We regularly advise employers on these applications, ensuring that they have the correct supporting documentation in place, that they appoint the relevant key personnel required for the licence, and that they have the necessary monitoring and record-keeping systems in place to meet their sponsor requirements.
“Wealthier individuals can use the Tier 1 Investor visa route to come to the UK. By investing a minimum of £2m in UK trading companies, successful applicants can live, work and study in the UK. The rules governing these visas have been subject to recent revisions, so we advise applicants in navigating a course through the latest changes. We also combine this advice with careful estate planning, to minimise the exposure to UK taxes once the applicant is in the UK.
Other recent changes have ended the Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa category, replacing it with new Innovator or Start-up visas. These visas are nascent concepts, so it is important that careful advice is sought to ensure a successful application.”
Where a UK business holds a sponsor licence, it can employ overseas workers in the UK to carry out specific skilled roles. We advise employers on obtaining the relevant ‘certificate of sponsorship’ required for each visa holder and guide them and their future employees through the application process. Where necessary, this involves advising on compliance with the ‘resident labour market test’, whereby a role must first be offered to a worker from the UK or the EU, unless an exception applies. We also advise on ‘intra-company transfer’ visas, where employees of an overseas business come to work for a group company in the UK. These applications commonly involve contemporaneous applications from family members accompanying the main visa holder to the UK.
We regularly advise individuals who are not domiciled in the UK, but who are resident here or have other UK connections, on how best to structure their wealth. Trusts created by individuals who are not domiciled in the UK, and containing assets situated outside the UK, can remain outside the scope of UK inheritance tax. They can therefore be a very attractive structure for clients in the right circumstances.
We support our clients with individually tailored legal advice:
For individuals with personal and financial connections in both the US and the UK, navigating the interaction between the two regimes on matters of tax, estate planning, trusts and succession can be complex. Individuals may have just avoided the pitfalls of one jurisdiction only to fall foul of the rules in the other.
If you are in the position where you have interests across both sides of the pond, it is crucial that you work with advisors with experience in crafting suitable UK advice that is mindful of, and can coexist tax-efficiently with, concurrent US concerns.
Our Private Wealth team includes lawyers who specialise in providing guidance on a range of US/UK cross border matters. Co-ordinating with US advisers where necessary, we are able to provide a tailored and fully integrated estate plan.
Collyer Bristow provides tailored Commercial and Residential Real Estate Services, Estate Planning, and Immigration Services for clients in the Middle East with UK interests, as well as ex-UK residents living in the region who retain UK assets.
Our Tax and Estate Planning team has deep expertise in international matters, offering personalised advice to wealthy individuals and families in the Middle East. We assist with cross-jurisdictional tax and estate planning, trust structuring, succession strategies, and complex international probate issues.
Our Immigration Services support both corporate clients and individuals, helping businesses navigate UK immigration requirements for employees and advising families and individuals on personal immigration matters, including visa applications and residency planning.
Additionally, we guide privately owned non-UK resident businesses on corporate restructuring in England, including optimal structures for holding UK property.
For ex-UK residents, we provide comprehensive guidance on managing and optimizing UK-based assets while addressing their unique needs in the region.
2004 saw the beginning of our focus on Italy that has continued ever since.
London has long been an attractive destination for Italians – whether to visit, to live, to set up business or to invest. We support Italian clients in all of these areas and have close relationships with professionals in England, Italy and in offshore jurisdictions who have experience of acting for Italian clients.
Our Italian focus was formed to meet the needs of Italian companies (operating both in Italy and the UK) to advise them on doing business in the UK, and also to support private individuals seeking specialist tax and estate planning services. We have knowledge of the legal, commercial and cultural environments of the two countries, of the workings of Italian business, and the preferences of Italian clients.
Stephen Rosen, Partner – Commercial & Financial disputes
Stephen has had Italian clients and businesses as one of his focuses since 2004 and is a regular visitor to Milan. His Italian credentials include:
Charlie Fowler, Partner – Private Wealth
Charlie is of Italian heritage and has studied in Italy and speaks Italian to conversational standard. His Italian credentials include:
Emily Malvaso, Associate – Private Wealth
Emily is a dual English and Italian national, born and raised in Italy before moving to the UK in 2011. She is a native bilingual speaker of English and Italian and specialises in providing UK tax and estate planning to clients with an Italian nexus. Her Italian credentials include:
We regularly have different teams of lawyers visiting Switzerland, servicing our corporate and high-net-worth private clients and maintaining valuable links with local advisers.
Many corporate and high-net-worth private clients establish a key strategic presence in Switzerland, whether it is their headquarters or a family office or the place where they bank or establish trusts.
They often have complex international legal requirements and, with English law frequently used in international contracts and with England often chosen as a centre for dispute resolution, our clients see significant advantages in being able to access our English legal services from Geneva.
Our Tax and estate planning team specialises in international matters and includes a focus on supporting wealthy Turkish and Middle Eastern clients. Our work includes advising individuals and families on cross-jurisdictional tax and planning considerations, trust structuring, succession planning, tax planning and complex international probate matters.
We also advise privately owned non-UK resident businesses on their corporate restructuring in England and in Turkey, advising on appropriate structures for holding UK property and on the availability of sovereign immunity from tax. We have particular expertise in taxation of international transactions and provide services to Turkish corporate clients wishing to extend their trading activities into English markets.
2004 saw the beginning of our focus on Italy that has continued since. We have knowledge of the legal, commercial and cultural environments of the two countries, of the workings of Italian business, and the preferences of Italian clients.
An overview of our Employment and Immigration services.
Collyer Bristow is highly experienced in acting for HNW/UHNW individuals looking to relocate or return to the UK. This document outlines the key tax, estate planning and immigration areas which may be relevant to you, your clients or your employees when moving to the UK.
An overview of our Employment and Immigration services within the financial services sector.
Considering an education in the UK? This guide covers all the different visa options available to students.
Considering a move to the UK? This guide covers all the different visa options available to individuals and businesses for a worry-free relocation.
This guide sets out the key legal considerations when hiring domestic staff in the UK and seeks to help you build an employment relationship that is both effective and compliant.
This document outlines how the UK may have a different tax treatment of US living trusts
and how the UK concept of domicile may give rise to UK tax in unexpected ways.
For applicants who will work for the NHS / NHS suppliers, this guide provides a step-by-step process on how to obtain the Tier 2 Health and Care Worker Visa.
Curious about the new Hong Kong BN(O) Visa and how this can apply to you? Find out more in our Hong Kong BN(O) Visa UK immigration guide.
Considering a move to the UK? This guide covers all the different visa options available to individuals for a worry-free relocation.
Whether you are looking to recruit nationals from abroad or transfer employees to the UK from an overseas office, this guide covers all the different visa routes you can choose as a company.
Turkish Language | An overview of our services supporting ambitious, often owner managed businesses, investors and entrepreneurs in building, operating and scaling enterprises from early stage right through to exit.
Turkish Language | An overview of our Private Wealth services for individuals and families based in the UK and overseas.
A helpful guide outlining the key aspects of the surcharge that was introduced on 1 April 2021.
Estates with cross-border aspects can present various complexities to be navigated. This guide provides an overview of the key issues and why it can be prudent to seek advice before proceeding.
Whether you are looking to set up a new business here or expand an existing one, this guide covers the key things you need to know to avoid potential pitfalls and get the most out of your investment.
A guide explaining how the GDPR restricts transfers of personal data from the EEA to third countries, other than in specific circumstances; what those circumstances are; and the safeguards in place.
The London Court of International Arbitration (“LCIA”) is one of the world’s leading international institutions for commercial dispute resolution. This guide, prepared mainly to assist non – UK parties, provides an overview of the Court and its processes.
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Senior Partner
Talk to Daniel about International trusts, tax & estate planning, Family offices, Firm management, Private wealth, UK trusts, tax & estate planning and US/UK Tax & estate planning
Collyer Bristow is a highly internationally focused firm. In any given year around a third of our revenue is attributed to clients outside of the UK.
Across our various specialisms we work with clients and contacts based in countries all around the world. However as a firm we maintain a particular focus upon; have a cultural awareness and language expertise in; and have built considerable professional contacts in USA, Middle East, Italy, Turkey, Channel Islands, and Switzerland.
Our multi-disciplinary team provides ambitious foreign entrepreneurs and businesses with strategic and practical guidance on building and growing companies in the UK. Whilst the process may appear complicated, we guide them through each step, assisting with setting up the appropriate business structure, advising on funding and business premises and drafting the necessary commercial contracts. If your clients are looking to expand their existing overseas business by developing a UK presence, either by establishing a branch, a subsidiary or an LLP, we are well placed to advise on all registration and ongoing statutory compliance requirements.
We can then provide them with dynamic and uniquely tailored guidance which covers all their commercial needs including real estate, employment law, immigration, intellectual property, data protection and tax.
As their business expands, we also have the capability to advise on mergers and acquisitions, private equity and venture capital backing, competition law and financial services regulation. Our litigation expertise also allows us to support our clients in resolving disputes of any kind that they may encounter.
We regularly advise overseas clients on:
We are an active member of World Link for Law, a leading network of international law firms. The network comprises 70 law firms with 80 offices in 47 countries worldwide. This close network of law firms enables us to source and collaborate with high quality international legal providers in the jurisdictions that our clients require.
Wealthy individuals and families with international affairs must give careful consideration to ensure that their assets are protected and passed on to future generations in a way which is effective and efficient in all the relevant jurisdictions. Whether the circumstances involve assets owned in various parts of the world or foreign people living in or moving to the UK, without proactive and strategic planning there is a risk of assets passing in an unintended way or valuable opportunities being missed.
Our team works closely with wealthy international individuals and families to support them in protecting their wealth now and in the future. Our clients’ assets can be complex and diverse requiring the deployment of a variety of holding vehicles including trusts, foundations, companies and partnerships.
Explore the nuances of some of the most common aspects of UK/USA cross-border tax and estate planning.
We acted for a leading US software supplier in relation to an LCIA arbitration seated in London on matters arising out of the termination of contracts in a large UK infrastructure project.
We acted for a US aerospace consultancy firm in LCIA arbitration proceedings against a Saudi aerospace manufacturer in a multimillion-dollar dispute under the LCIA Rules.
We acted for UK residents inheriting wealth from the US via a US revocable living trust. Without careful attention, the clients would have faced UK tax at up to 45% on the inheritances and significant ongoing future US and UK tax and reporting requirements. However, with our analysis, we were able to recommend a way to receive the inheritances free from UK tax and entirely avoid those future administrative complexities.
We advised a foreign company facing claims for a share of its recovery in a multi-million international arbitration.
We acted for a South African mining company in ICC and Swiss arbitrations seated in London, involving allegations of fraud in connection with a mining project.
We acted on a substantial debt-recovery claim against a Swiss company, including dealing with service out of the jurisdiction and issues arising under Swiss law.
We acted for a wife in a multi-million pound financial dispute involving a number of difficult issues, including initial non-disclosure by the husband, major assets abroad and uncertain tax problems, and a large inheritance received by the wife during the divorce resulting in a major dispute about the treatment of her post acquired wealth. Experts were required in relation to accountancy, tax and property and we eventually managed to negotiate a successful settlement without the need for contested proceedings.
We acted for a client in relation to their divorce and financial remedy proceedings, with cross jurisdiction complexities and various company and security/enforcement issues. We advised the client on all aspects of the case and settled the case following a successful negotiation.
We carefully negotiated and drafted a prenuptial agreement for a client worth in excess of £100m+. The matter involved various cross-border issues and as with any prenuptial agreement, required detailed consideration and delicate handling. Both parties walked away happy with the agreement and content with the future certainty it sought to create.
We acted for a client in relation to divorce and financial remedy proceedings, following a short and childless marriage, in which we reached a very satisfactory settlement following a private financial dispute resolution hearing. There were cross-border issues and a single joint expert had to be instructed in relation to the husband’s financial services company.
Our client had been careful not to obtain UK tax residency, however, decided he wanted to come to live in the UK permanently. We advised our client on the rules of UK split year tax treatment and how he could obtain this treatment when he arrived in the UK. We also advised him on whether he would be treated under the new Foreign Income and Gains regime. Our advice gave our client the comfort of being able to come to the UK and claim the split year treatment that he was entitled to.
We advised a US resident couple on their cross border US/UK estate planning. The clients had to take care because one of the spouses was not a US citizen, meaning that the marital deduction was not available for US estate tax purposes. However, the planning also needed to ensure that the UK inheritance tax spouse exemption was available on the first death. This involved a careful reworking of the clients’ existing US-focused estate planning. As sometimes occurs, making the planning slightly simpler also made it more tax-efficient overall
We advised family members of the director of an offshore company in liquidation on dealing with enquiries from the liquidator. This involved dealing with cross-border insolvency issues and responding to threats made to examine the family members in court.
We advised a client seeking to relocate to the UK on his pre-arrival tax and estate planning. With our assistance, and at very short notice, we advised on how he could generate significant quantities of tax-efficient ‘clean capital’ prior to becoming UK tax resident. This has allowed him to reduce his exposure to UK tax considerably on meeting his UK expenditure while he is here.
We advised the client on the exposure to inheritance tax of both his traditional IRA and Roth IRA. To do so required careful consideration of his domicile, the general principles of a general power of appointment, Qualifying Non-UK Pension schemes and changes to pensions announced by the government in the October 2024 budget. Our advice gave the client clarity and enabled him to make well informed decisions about structuring his estate planning.
We are acting for the trustees in bankruptcy of a high-profile foreign national made bankrupt in England. The case raises cross-border issues as the bankrupt’s business activities were largely conducted abroad, in particular in Africa and the Middle East.
We are advising the trustees in bankruptcy of a wealthy Middle Eastern national made bankrupt in England. Assets are being pursued in two foreign jurisdictions.
We advised US citizens on their UK tax exposure as UK residents and why, perhaps initially counter-intuitively, the remittance basis of taxation would not be suitable in their circumstances. Following our advice, we managed to reduce the clients’ global tax exposure dramatically and pull them away from significant annual double tax exposure between the US and UK. This had been particularly problematic for the clients with regard to a US UTMA account they held.
Our Commercial disputes team acted in a complex cross-border fraud dispute relating to a pharmaceutical company in a claim for over £40 million.
We advised a Japanese based client on the legal and regulatory aspects in regards to raising funds via an initial coin offering (ICO) for its Stablecoin project.
Clients often have assets in a number of different jurisdictions. It is crucial to give careful thought to an estate plan that considers the tax and succession rules in each country. For example, do forced heirship rules prevent you leaving assets to your chosen beneficiaries? Can a client choose which law should apply on death? Is a separate will needed in each jurisdiction, or is one worldwide will sufficient? What taxes will apply and can they be mitigated? Should assets be transferred to a structure during lifetime to avoid unattractive succession laws? Our team can provide a considered estate plan to cut through these issues to ensure the best outcome.
Our financial services team has experience in drafting and negotiating master purchase and sale agreements for Islamic finance products, including commodity based Murabaha trades and Sukuk bonds, negotiating with a number of Middle Eastern Banks in the process.
On the disputes side, we have been instructed by a number of state-owned Middle Eastern banks over the years on various financial and commercial dispute matters. As such we are aware and very familiar with the business and other cultural issues involved in acting both for and against clients in the Arab world.
Foreign individuals moving to the UK will want to be able to fund their life here in as tax-efficient a way as is possible. Careful pre-immigration planning can help to achieve this. This may involve structuring assets so as to make optimal use of the remittance basis of taxation, and triggering the receipt of income or capital gains before becoming UK resident.
Where UK businesses want to employ nationals from outside the European Economic Area and Switzerland, they are likely to need a sponsor licence to be able to do so. To be successful in applying for the licence, an employer must be able to show that it is a genuine and legitimate organisation, that it poses no risk to immigration control, and that it has robust systems in place to be able to comply with its sponsorship duties. We regularly advise employers on these applications, ensuring that they have the correct supporting documentation in place, that they appoint the relevant key personnel required for the licence, and that they have the necessary monitoring and record-keeping systems in place to meet their sponsor requirements.
“Wealthier individuals can use the Tier 1 Investor visa route to come to the UK. By investing a minimum of £2m in UK trading companies, successful applicants can live, work and study in the UK. The rules governing these visas have been subject to recent revisions, so we advise applicants in navigating a course through the latest changes. We also combine this advice with careful estate planning, to minimise the exposure to UK taxes once the applicant is in the UK.
Other recent changes have ended the Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa category, replacing it with new Innovator or Start-up visas. These visas are nascent concepts, so it is important that careful advice is sought to ensure a successful application.”
Where a UK business holds a sponsor licence, it can employ overseas workers in the UK to carry out specific skilled roles. We advise employers on obtaining the relevant ‘certificate of sponsorship’ required for each visa holder and guide them and their future employees through the application process. Where necessary, this involves advising on compliance with the ‘resident labour market test’, whereby a role must first be offered to a worker from the UK or the EU, unless an exception applies. We also advise on ‘intra-company transfer’ visas, where employees of an overseas business come to work for a group company in the UK. These applications commonly involve contemporaneous applications from family members accompanying the main visa holder to the UK.
We regularly advise individuals who are not domiciled in the UK, but who are resident here or have other UK connections, on how best to structure their wealth. Trusts created by individuals who are not domiciled in the UK, and containing assets situated outside the UK, can remain outside the scope of UK inheritance tax. They can therefore be a very attractive structure for clients in the right circumstances.
For individuals with personal and financial connections in both the US and the UK, navigating the interaction between the two regimes on matters of tax, estate planning, trusts and succession can be complex. Individuals may have just avoided the pitfalls of one jurisdiction only to fall foul of the rules in the other.
If you are in the position where you have interests across both sides of the pond, it is crucial that you work with advisors with experience in crafting suitable UK advice that is mindful of, and can coexist tax-efficiently with, concurrent US concerns.
Our Private Wealth team includes lawyers who specialise in providing guidance on a range of US/UK cross border matters. Co-ordinating with US advisers where necessary, we are able to provide a tailored and fully integrated estate plan.
Collyer Bristow provides tailored Commercial and Residential Real Estate Services, Estate Planning, and Immigration Services for clients in the Middle East with UK interests, as well as ex-UK residents living in the region who retain UK assets.
Our Tax and Estate Planning team has deep expertise in international matters, offering personalised advice to wealthy individuals and families in the Middle East. We assist with cross-jurisdictional tax and estate planning, trust structuring, succession strategies, and complex international probate issues.
Our Immigration Services support both corporate clients and individuals, helping businesses navigate UK immigration requirements for employees and advising families and individuals on personal immigration matters, including visa applications and residency planning.
Additionally, we guide privately owned non-UK resident businesses on corporate restructuring in England, including optimal structures for holding UK property.
For ex-UK residents, we provide comprehensive guidance on managing and optimizing UK-based assets while addressing their unique needs in the region.
2004 saw the beginning of our focus on Italy that has continued ever since.
London has long been an attractive destination for Italians – whether to visit, to live, to set up business or to invest. We support Italian clients in all of these areas and have close relationships with professionals in England, Italy and in offshore jurisdictions who have experience of acting for Italian clients.
Our Italian focus was formed to meet the needs of Italian companies (operating both in Italy and the UK) to advise them on doing business in the UK, and also to support private individuals seeking specialist tax and estate planning services. We have knowledge of the legal, commercial and cultural environments of the two countries, of the workings of Italian business, and the preferences of Italian clients.
Stephen Rosen, Partner – Commercial & Financial disputes
Stephen has had Italian clients and businesses as one of his focuses since 2004 and is a regular visitor to Milan. His Italian credentials include:
Charlie Fowler, Partner – Private Wealth
Charlie is of Italian heritage and has studied in Italy and speaks Italian to conversational standard. His Italian credentials include:
Emily Malvaso, Associate – Private Wealth
Emily is a dual English and Italian national, born and raised in Italy before moving to the UK in 2011. She is a native bilingual speaker of English and Italian and specialises in providing UK tax and estate planning to clients with an Italian nexus. Her Italian credentials include:
We regularly have different teams of lawyers visiting Switzerland, servicing our corporate and high-net-worth private clients and maintaining valuable links with local advisers.
Many corporate and high-net-worth private clients establish a key strategic presence in Switzerland, whether it is their headquarters or a family office or the place where they bank or establish trusts.
They often have complex international legal requirements and, with English law frequently used in international contracts and with England often chosen as a centre for dispute resolution, our clients see significant advantages in being able to access our English legal services from Geneva.
Our Tax and estate planning team specialises in international matters and includes a focus on supporting wealthy Turkish and Middle Eastern clients. Our work includes advising individuals and families on cross-jurisdictional tax and planning considerations, trust structuring, succession planning, tax planning and complex international probate matters.
We also advise privately owned non-UK resident businesses on their corporate restructuring in England and in Turkey, advising on appropriate structures for holding UK property and on the availability of sovereign immunity from tax. We have particular expertise in taxation of international transactions and provide services to Turkish corporate clients wishing to extend their trading activities into English markets.
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Please note that Collyer Bristow provides this service during office hours for general information and enquiries only and that no legal or other professional advice will be provided over the WhatsApp platform. Please also note that if you choose to use this platform your personal data is likely to be processed outside the UK and EEA, including in the US. Appropriate legal or other professional opinion should be taken before taking or omitting to take any action in respect of any specific problem. Collyer Bristow LLP accepts no liability for any loss or damage which may arise from reliance on information provided. All information will be deleted immediately upon completion of a conversation.