Monthly Archives: March 2022

Rent Deposit Deeds: 5 key things to be aware of

Welcome to the first episode in our new series Real Estate Conversations which discusses 5 key things to be aware of with Rent Deposit Deeds for landlords and tenants. You can contact Anjana Dahya at

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ESG credentials key to attracting private investments, with ethical and moral concerns a deciding factor

Read the full report here. Investment decisions based on ESG credentials are driven by investors’ moral and ethical views rather than financial reasons When asked why ESG credentials can make an investment a more attractive proposition , over a third …

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‘Vento bands’ for injury to feelings awards to increase

For claims presented to the tribunal on or after 6 April 2022 the bands are set as follows: 1) lower band – £990 to £9,900 2) middle band – £9,900 to £29,600 and 3) upper band – £29,600 to £49,300. …

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Remote arbitration hearings

Video links have, of course, been used in international arbitration hearings for many years, for instance, to take the evidence of witnesses or experts. The Covid pandemic has brought about a major change in that many arbitration hearings are either …

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Spring Budget Statement 2022

“To my mind, the potentially more important announcement was that of the so-called “Tax Plan*”: tax professionals have been asking the Treasury for this for years. Unfortunately, rather in common with the precipitate “income tax cut” announcement, the Tax Plan …

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No Fault Divorce

The current law Under the current law, couples wanting to separate in the UK must rely on one or more ‘facts’ to prove that their relationship has irretrievably broken down. These facts are: Unreasonable behaviour Adultery (not available for civil …

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Mass redundancy – is it legal?

This was the shocking news received this week by 800 workers at P&O Ferries via a pre-recorded Zoom meeting. The approach taken by P&O Ferries has been widely criticised across various media channels showing an outpouring of support for affected …

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“I’m taking the dog” – Pets and divorce in the UK

Currently, under family law, the UK treats your pets as personal property. This means that they are treated as chattels to be divided between the two parties, the same as your cars, handbags and kitchen utensils. But how do you …

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Rights without responsibilities?

Website cookie notices have raised awareness that an individual’s personal data is often used for purposes not clearly explained to them and/or not with their active consent. DSARs are therefore a useful and valuable tool for customers, employees, service users …

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ESG litigation: shareholder actions under FSMA 2000: Important questions

Public companies are under increasing pressure to publish information about their environmental, social and governance (ESG)-related policies and practices. This pressure is being generated by changing investor attitudes, with a growing number of investors only wanting to invest in companies …

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