Monthly Archives: March 2021

Visa & Paypal announce changes supporting cryptocurrency transactions

There have been two very important announcements in the digital assets space made over the past 24 hours: Firstly, owing to increasing demand from consumers, Visa will soon allow transactions to be settled in the cryptocurrency USD Coin (USDC). Traditionally, …

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When the subsidies move out, private equity moves in

Governments are running out of money. There is no magic money tree, and it is obvious that soon the support that has been provided to prop up struggling businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic will start to taper away. Businesses that …

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Ministry of Justice releases its Quarterly Family Court Statistics

“As predicted, Lockdown has led to an increase (5%) in the number of divorce cases started in the last quarter of 2020. This is not, though,  quite the catastrophic rise predicted by some, with many couples probably holding off from …

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‘Tax Day’ – government continues its campaign to tackle non-compliance

Promoters of tax avoidance schemes HM Treasury’s reminder that the so-called “tax gap” is at a record low of 4.7% (of which tax avoidance only counts for £1.7bn – approximately 5.5% of the total) is timely and welcome.  HMRC has …

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Restructuring Plans under Part 26A of the Companies Act 2006 are insolvency proceedings under the Lugano Convention

Restructuring Plans Restructuring Plans were inserted into the Companies Act 2006 last year by the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020. They are based on schemes of arrangement (under Part 26 of the Companies Act), which were already in existence. …

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The NFT revolution in the covid-era

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have been around for a while, but in the Covid-era as more cultural experiences are migrating online, we are now seeing a far greater take-up amongst ordinary consumers. In simple terms, an NFT represents provable ownership rights …

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How the US and UK tax systems work together

Unlike most other jurisdictions worldwide, the US levies tax on its citizens irrespective of whether they live in the US. This means that a UK resident US citizen is often exposed to both US and UK tax simultaneously. The extent …

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A post-Brexit guide to UK-Swiss disputes

The Brexit transition period ended on December 31, 2020 (“Exit Day”)[i]. Since January 1, 2021, the Courts of England and Wales are no longer covered by the EU rules for establishing jurisdiction and for mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments …

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How to take steps to offset climate litigation risks

Heightened public interest and concern for environmental issues creates opportunities for businesses, including financial services firms, looking to align themselves with that sentiment. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing has grown exponentially recently, and a range of funds and financial …

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Corporate residence of subsidiaries: Court of Appeal decision provides more questions than answers

Though the CA judges unanimously agreed that the UT’s reasons for overturning the FTT decision were flawed, the judges disagreed on whether the FTT decision might have been wrong for other reasons – an issue that was strictly out of …

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