Yearly Archives: 2023

Advising on marketing and advertising for games

We advised on aspects of marketing and advertising for various mobile and console games (from a UK perspective).

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Advising on development agreements from console to mobile

We advised on development agreements between publishers and developers tasked with porting a game from console to mobile.

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Negotiating NDAs for game testers

We negotiated and drafted NDAs to be used with alpha and closed-beta testers.

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Drafting End User Licence Agreements

We drafted End User Licence Agreements for publishers pre-release.

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Advising publishers on lootboxes/gacha mechanics

We advised various publishers on lootboxes/gacha mechanics and their legality in the UK.

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Advising game development companies from an IP and employment perspective

We advised various game development companies (from indies to large multinational studios) on ownership of IP and drafted suitable provisions in employment agreements.

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Drafting sponsorship agreements

We drafted various sponsorship agreements for both game publishers and advertising space owners/content creators and influencers.

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Acquisition of game development studios

We advised investors on acquiring game development studios, both from a commercial and intellectual property perspective.

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Advising a development company

We advised an indie development company on the merits and process for open-source development of their mobile game.

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Advising developers on self-publishing

We advised developers on self-publishing and app store terms and agreements.

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