Tag Archives: construction

Contractor fails to avoid liability for defective works by arguing that it was co-insured with the employer under JCT Contract

The Rugby Football Union (“RFU”) engaged Conway in 2012 to install ductwork as part of upgrade works to Twickenham Stadium before the 2015 Rugby World Cup. Conway was appointed under an amended JCT Standard Building Contract without Quantities, 2011 edition. …

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Residential Property Development and Construction – Legal update

Alex O’Connor, Partner and Head of Collyer Bristow’s House Building & Development group, discusses some methods for making overage agreements stick. Jonathan Pawlowski, Partner and Head of Construction discusses issues arising from delays and disruption to the construction programme. Aimee …

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Introduction of VAT ‘reverse charge’ from 1 March 2021 for building and construction services

From 1 March 2021, the domestic VAT ‘reverse charge’ for supplies of building and construction services will come into operation. The new measures apply to VAT-registered businesses who are supplying/receiving standard or reduced-rated services reported under the Construction Industry Scheme …

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Coronavirus: What protection is afforded to contractors?

As cases of COVID-19 increase throughout Europe and the UK, the adverse impacts on the construction industry are becoming a probable reality. For contractors and subcontractors who will usually be bound by time sensitive dates for completion of the contracted …

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