Tag Archives: employment tribunal

Ms R Jandu v Marks and Spencer: Dyslexic shop worker discriminated against

The case serves as a cautionary tale for employers approaching a redundancy exercise and highlights the pitfalls that even large employers may fall into when seeking to dismiss employees. Ms Jandu, who is dyslexic, had worked for the well-known retailer …

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Annual Compensation Limit Increase

Each year the government increases the maximum compensation limits associated with certain employment rights. The government recently announced two key increases to compensation limits for Employment Tribunal claims: a week’s basic pay will increase from £544 to £571 the maximum …

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New mother awarded £185,000 after employer refused flexible working

A new mother who had a her request for flexible working refused was reportedly awarded £185,000 by the Employment Tribunal. Estate agent Alice Thompson went on maternity leave in 2018, on her return to the workplace in 2019 she requested …

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Equal Pay – Are there any risks in achieving parity?

The gender pay gap flags the disparity between men and women’s remuneration in the same workplace. Since 1997, the Office for National Statistics has monitored the difference between men and women’s average pay and in 2017 the Gender Pay Gap …

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