Yearly Archives: 2019

Major banks fined over €1bn for FX spot trading cartel

The Commission started its investigations in the FX market as early as September 2013 and has only now made findings of anticompetitive behaviour in two settlement decisions. Interestingly, the Commission said that they will continue with other ongoing procedures concerning …

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Major commercial restructure

We worked closely with a well-known international company during the major restructuring of its operations. This included bringing external staff in-house (via TUPE) and the reorganisation of its entire sales function internally.

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High Court injunction against former employees

We acted in an emergency High Court injunction against two former senior employees, who had misappropriated our client’s commercial data and software, and  attempted to set up a competing business. Our quick and decisive action removed the threat to the …

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Cryptocurrencies enlisted in the sanctions war

The use of sanctions against Russia and Iran is not a new development in the fight to curb their respective rogue geopolitical initiatives, but sanction use has certainly been on the increase in the past two years. In response, those …

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Why GDPR isn’t last year’s news

Compliance with GDPR can be a headache for many in industry and practice. In this webinar for LexisNexis Partner Howard Ricklow and Cécile de Lagarde from our CB Comply team look specifically at the impact of GDPR on commercial property, …

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The National Minimum Wage

The National Minimum Wage (NMW) is the minimum pay per hour that most workers under the age of 25 are entitled to by law. The National Living Wage (NLW) is the legally binding hourly rate for workers aged 25 and …

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LIBOR manipulation

We have been acting for a number of clients in major court proceedings against numerous banks that had engaged in LIBOR manipulation. We are currently seeking rescission of lending agreements to the total value of approximately £1.5 billion.

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Crypto currency account dispute

We acted for a client who entered into a trade on a crypto currency exchange, making a large windfall profit. The dispute is with the exchange following its freezing of the account alleging that the crypto currency wallet had been …

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Bank covenants and sanctions

We are currently acting for a group of companies owned by a Russian individual who is subject to US sanctions, in their negotiations with 8 international banks alleging breach of covenant as a result of the imposition of the sanctions …

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Claims for mis-selling of complex FX derivatives

In one of numerous cases relating to the sale of forex derivatives, we are currently advising a national retail group on a claim against four banks arising from complex FX options, involving allegations of mis-selling by the banks and claims …

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