Yearly Archives: 2019

Legal statement on cryptoassets and smart contracts – the breakdown

The UK jurisdiction taskforce of the LawTech Delivery Panel (LTDP) issued a statement this week, in which they asserted that Cryptoassets can be treated in principle as property; and that smart contracts are capable of satisfying the requirements of contracts …

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Litigation risks associated with Libor transition

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has made clear that after 2021 it will no longer compel banks to submit LIBOR quotations or sustain the LIBOR benchmark, and that regulated parties proposing LIBOR for contracts beyond 2021 must explain the risks …

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English Court grants anti-suit injunction to restrain New York proceedings

Background English courts have a longstanding and well recognised jurisdiction to restrain foreign proceedings which are brought in violation of an agreement to settle disputes by arbitration in London. In the recent case of XL Insurance Co SE v Little, …

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Collyer Bristow recognised as one of the top law firms in the UK

In its annual ‘Best 200 Law Firms’ guide, published Tuesday 30 October 2019, The Times recognised Collyer Bristow’s particular strength in Real Estate. The Times Best 200 Law Firms list is based on a survey of 20,000 law professionals and …

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Recourse options available for corporate victims of payment frauds

The case of Japanese publisher Nikkei recently reported to have lost $29m in an alleged fraud involving a third party who purported to be a management executive, is an all too familiar example of the kind of payment fraud that …

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A Joint Effort? The Court of Appeal assesses the requirements for joint authorship in copyright works

Recently the Court of Appeal handed down its Judgment in Kogan v Martin and others[1], an appeal relating to a dispute over the authorship of the screenplay of the eponymous film about the life of Florence Foster Jenkins (FFJ Screenplay), …

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What happens if a will is found after an estate has already been divided?

What happens if, years after a relation has died and their estate has been distributed, a new Will with different beneficiaries is found? In a recently publicised case involving 9,000 wills stored by Lloyds Bank, Lloyds has promised to compensate those …

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Calls to Abolish CGT Entrepreneurs Relief – Should Business Owners Be Worried?

In what is becoming a near-annual sport, there are again renewed calls for the restriction or outright abolition of CGT Entrepreneurs’ Relief. The latest high-profile support for the move comes from Sir Edward Troup, previously the head of HMRC, in …

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Calls to Abolish CGT Entrepreneurs Relief – Should Business Owners Be Worried?

In what is becoming a near-annual sport, there are again renewed calls for the restriction or outright abolition of CGT Entrepreneurs’ Relief.The latest high-profile support for the move comes from Sir Edward Troup, previously the head of HMRC, in response to a campaign launched by the Guardian newspaper.Such reports are always unsettling for business owners who are in the process of (or at least contemplating) the sale of their business.But how short are the memories of some of those who are contributing to this debate: far from being a give-away for the rich, when Entrepreneurs Relief was introduced in 2008, it represented a significant restriction on tax relief for business owners.  Previously, they had the benefit of business asset taper relief and retirement relief (un-capped by value), which gave far greater tax savings in many cases.This point alone does not answer bona fide and knowledgeable policy objections to the Entrepreneurs Relief regime, but those are – yet – few in number.Further agitation of this sort is likely to unsettle business owners who had assumed that they would benefit from Entrepreneurs Relief in due course.  So what are they to do?Irrespective of the colour of the next government, big new spending commitments seem likely.  These will need to be paid for one way or another.  Business owners should not make the mistake of believing that frequent complaints about Entrepreneurs Relief followed by inaction will continue forever.  Entrepreneurs Relief costs HM Treasury approximately £2.7bn a year – about three times more than intended when it was first introduced.  There are plenty of those in Government, as well as outside, who would like to bring that cost down or eradicate it altogether.Difficult though it might be for some business owners to accept, the political reality is that trimming or abolishing Entrepreneurs Relief is a relatively easy and low-risk option for a Chancellor in need of funds for high-profile new spending commitments.So prudent business owners would be wise to pre-empt possible changes to the regime where possible:If a business sale is in process and it is possible to exchange contracts before the new Government takes office on Friday 13 December, then it would seem preferable to do so;That said, CGT rate changes in the middle of a tax year are extremely uncommon and lead to a number of technical problems for HMRC and taxpayers, so on balance any change of the rules should be unlikely to take effect before 6 April 2020.  It follows that – unless the new Government takes unexpectedly radical action – business owners wishing to sell should endeavour to exchange contracts by that date;For those looking to sell in a longer timeframe, it was in the past possible to take steps to “lock-in” to Entrepreneurs Relief rates before a change in the law, but the law, HMRC practice, and the approach of the Courts and Tribunals have all moved on in recent years.  Anyone wishing to investigate this will need to take expert legal advice in good time before any change in the rules;Lastly, for those with no sale at all in prospect, the Entrepreneurs Relief regime is of little practical relevance to them.  There seems little they can do now other than hope for a benign tax system when they do eventually sell.

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How can CPR Part 36 incentivise early settlement of disputes?

Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) Part 36 is designed to incentivise early settlement of disputes by imposing costs consequences for a failure to accept a good offer. Where a Part 36 offer has been made by the claimant, defendant, or both, …

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