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Commercial Court provides guidance on ISDA swap claim for negative declaratory relief

On 11 September 2020, Mrs Justice Cockerill handed down an important judgment ([2020] EWHC 2436 (Comm)) providing guidance on the Courts’ approach to a claim for declaratory relief (including negative declarations) in relation to an interest rate swap subject to …

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Coronavirus & force majeure events in Italian contract law

The health emergency connected with the spread of COVID-19, which is affecting Italy and the UK, amongst a large number of other countries, led the Governments of the two States as well as many others to adopt a series of …

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LCIA arbitration brought by a former charter operator

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LCIA arbitration over the performance of forex currency swaps

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Cross-border dispute

Our Commercial disputes team is acting in a on-going and complex cross-border fraud dispute in claim for over £40 million.

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US depositions

We are representing a bank plaintiff in a USD 1 billion claim in the US regarding the obligations of former employees to give depositions in England to the opponent’s lawyers and representing the employees in the deposition taking.

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Frankfurt Stock Exchange dispute

We are acting for a London based trader at a US hedge fund with USD30 billion in assets under management in successfully disputing sanctions imposed on him by the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (with FCA consequences) over the use by his …

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Anglo-Italian jurisdiction dispute

We are currently acting for a major Italian utilities company in a dispute with a major bank over interest rate swaps and associated financial transactions involving complex jurisdiction issues concerning proceedings brought in the English and Italian courts and competing …

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Overseas Bank’s European HQ

We are acting for an overseas bank on the relocation of its European HQ in central London. This ongoing project is due to last for several years and includes the negotiation of documents in respect of the new premises, re-gearing …

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Sovereign wealth funds property portfolio

We act for a sovereign wealth fund in relation to its portfolio of property in central London, including advice on property management, real estate litigation, corporate tax and international law matters.

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