Tag Archives: COurt of appeal

Republic of Mozambique v Credit Suisse – bribery claims proceed by way of arbitration

The decision of the Court of Appeal in Republic of Mozambique v Credit Suisse International and others [2021] EWCA Civ 329 reaffirms the arbitration-friendly approach taken by the English courts and the mandatory nature of stays of court proceedings under …

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Court of Appeal gives judgment in Arkin v Marshall

In Arkin v Marshall the Court of Appeal has given judgment. The case involves the Practice Direction 51Z which was brought into play as a result of COVID-19 and which (in its original form) stayed all possession proceedings until the …

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Islamic marriage ceremony ruled as void marriage

In what is being described as a “landmark” ruling, the Court of Appeal overturned a High Court judgement last week (14/02/20), ruling that a religious Nikah ceremony is a void marriage. The case relates to the separation of Nasreen Akhter …

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