Tag Archives: tax

Coronavirus: Update on support available for the Self-Employed

Rishi Sunak has provided further detail on his proposed measures to assist the self-employed weather a likely downturn in work during the coronavirus lockdown. These measures are in addition to the earlier proposals on tax and VAT deferrals which we …

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Coronavirus: tax relief for the self-employed

Pressure is increasing on the government to announce more help for the self-employed, who make up a significant part of the country’s economy.  Around 5 million people have been attracted to this way of working, which has given them flexibility …

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Entrepreneurs Relief Reform

The Conservative Party committed itself to “review and reform” Entrepreneurs Relief in its 2019 General Election manifesto. The Conservatives further stated that it has not “fully delivered on [its] objectives” and so, with the Conservatives having been returned to government …

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How are your cryptoassets taxed?

Cryptocurrency has been firmly brought under Benjamin Franklin’s two certainties of life as HMRC published a revised guidance on cryptoassets on 20 December 2019. It came in the form of two documents ‘Cryptoassets: tax for individuals’; and ‘Cryptoassets: tax for …

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New Partner hire for Collyer Bristow’s Tax and Estate Planning team

Leading law firm, Collyer Bristow, has appointed James Austen as a Partner in the Tax and Estate Planning team. James has extensive experience acting for high net worth individuals, entrepreneurs and business owners. He has particular expertise in advising business …

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Office of Tax Simplification publishes recommendations to simplify inheritance tax

While these amendments do not go so far as to shake the foundations of the tax itself, nevertheless the proposals would require all practitioners to come to terms with the amendment of a number of rules that have stood firm …

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