Yearly Archives: 2020

Football, financing, and financial fair play post Covid-19

There are three regimes that can apply to English clubs, depending on the league and competitions that they are playing in. The UEFA Financial Fair Play Regulations apply to all clubs playing in European competitions, whilst the Profitability and Sustainability …

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Babylon Health admits GP app suffered a data breach

Babylon Health is one of the largest and most successful players in the rapidly growing telemedicine sector, having secured funding last year to expand into the US and across Asia. However, they are now under scrutiny after their GP video appointment app suffered a data breach. The breach has resulted in video recordings of some patients’ consultations with doctors being accessible by other patients. One user noticed this and immediately alerted Babylon Health of this issue.Although Babylon Health has said that only a small number of users could see other users’ consultations, the full extent of the data breach will only be known after there has been a complete investigation. The severity of a data breach does not only depend on the volume but also on the categories of data that have been compromised. In this case, it relates to patient information including data relating to health, which is treated as sensitive by the GDPR and the Data Protection Act and hence requires a higher degree of protection. One would therefore expect that Babylon Health has implemented enhanced security measures for the provision of their services. Instead, the breach, which resulted from a software error as opposed to a malicious cyber-attack, demonstrates that this may not be the case which is all the more worrying.Babylon Health’s quick response might plead in their favour, but they are nonetheless at risk of a significant fine issued against them by the ICO, given the sensitive nature of the personal data that has been compromised. If it turns out however to be a minor breach, there is still reputational damage as some users will now be reluctant to use Babylon Health’s GP video appointment app, as is highlighted in the article.

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FURLOUGH SCHEME: TODAY IS DEADLINE for furloughing employees

Midnight tonight, Wednesday 10 June 2020, is the last possible opportunity for employers to agree with their employee/s that they are going onto furlough immediately  if they have not been previously furloughed – with the new exception of parents returning …

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Queenslanders seek climate justice using Human Rights law

In Queensland, Australia, a group called Youth Verdict challenged an application for a mining lease on the basis that their human rights will be impacted by the climate change effects of the mine, citing Queensland’s new Human Rights Act. The application for a mining lease was made by Waratah Coal for an open cut and underground coal mine located in the Galilee Basin.Youth Verdict lodged objections to the grant of the mining lease and to the Environmental Authority for the project, which will be heard by the Land Court of Queensland. Climate change objections to the grant of mining leases for coal have previously been raised in the Land Court, but have not been successful.The Human Rights law was only enacted in Queensland this year. Youth Verdict are relying on the right to life; the rights of the child; cultural rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples; and freedom from discrimination (as vulnerable people will suffer the most from climate change).Similar to the UK’s Human Rights Act, the Queensland Human Rights Act requires public authorities to act in a way which is compatible with human rights.The potentially catastrophic human implications of the currently projected levels of global warming is a topic is not a new realisation but it is increasingly a topic for consideration by public bodies and is likely to be considered in relation to applications for fossil fuel projects.A decision has yet to be reached on the Waratah Coal project though it will likely receive interest from around the world as climate activist look for ways to challenge future and ongoing abuses of the environment.   

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Coronavirus & force majeure events in Italian contract law

The health emergency connected with the spread of COVID-19, which is affecting Italy and the UK, amongst a large number of other countries, led the Governments of the two States as well as many others to adopt a series of …

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Overview of UK income Tax and Capital Gains Tax – Part 2 (Turkish language)

In this  installment of our video series Tulin Kiranoglu-Hamit continues her overview of UK income Tax and Capital Gains Tax. (Turkish language) Merhaba, 4. Videomuza hos geldiniz. Bu videomuzda, sizin ile Ingiltere’de vergi mukellefi olmaniz halinde Turkiye’de ya da herhangi …

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Coronavirus: Employer’s Guide to re-opening the Workplace

As the government begins to ease the lockdown restrictions in a bid to get the economy moving again, new guidance has been published to guide employers as to how they can get their employees back to work safely. The government …

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Sport, Coronavirus and Employment Law

Health and safety First and foremost, in most people’s minds, will be the health and safety of employees and participants. Sports venue owners owe health and safety duties to anyone using their premises, but here we concentrate on the duties …

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M&A: Cyber security and data privacy risks

Cyber risk is a critical threat to any successful merger and acquisition in today’s business environment, making cyber risk an important element of M&A due diligence activity. Cyber risk issues that are uncovered during or after an M&A process, can …

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The 2019 LCIA Casework Report: Record Number of New Cases

On 19 May 2020, the London Court of International Arbitration (“the LCIA”) released its Annual Casework Report for 2019 (“the Report”) revealing that it received the greatest ever number of international arbitrations in 2019. Of note, the statistics reveal that …

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