Tag Archives: CoronaVirus

Competition & Markets Authority takes action against unfair practices arising from Coronavirus

In March 2020, the Competition & Markets Authority established a dedicated COVID-19 taskforce to identify, monitor and respond to competition and consumer concerns arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and the task force has already been contacted more than 80,000 times. …

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HMRC starts to investigate furlough abuse, & property businesses are a target

HMRC has started investigating employers it suspects of abusing the furlough scheme and property and construction businesses are firmly in its sights. Investigations are focused on businesses that deliberately or inadvertently allowed staff to work whilst on furlough and are …

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Coronavirus – Job Retention Bonus provides important lifeline for employers

Yesterday, 8 July 2020, the Chancellor announced a number of measures to help the UK weather the financial storm our economy is facing. Whilst perhaps for those who are fed up ‘eating in’ the most eye-catching is half price restaurant …

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Coronavirus lockdown Loosens: Government Announces Relaxation of Restrictions

Boris Johnson has announced a relaxation of the current regime of lockdown restrictions from Saturday 4 July when: pubs and restaurants can reopen; hairdressers and barbers can reopen; two households can meet in any setting with appropriate social distancing; some …

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Coronavirus – The Code of Practice for Commercial Property Relationships may not achieve its purpose

The Government has published a new code of practice that is intended to provide guidance for landlords and tenants to encourage a swift economic recovery. The Code of Practice for Commercial Property Relationships During the Covid-19 Pandemic will be welcomed …

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Is the post COVID-19 world a cashless one?

The start of lockdown in March saw the use of cash in the UK halve in a matter of days. This was spurred by the closure of shops, an increase in online sales, a shift to contactless payments and concerns …

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FURLOUGH SCHEME: TODAY IS DEADLINE for furloughing employees

Midnight tonight, Wednesday 10 June 2020, is the last possible opportunity for employers to agree with their employee/s that they are going onto furlough immediately  if they have not been previously furloughed – with the new exception of parents returning …

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Sport, Coronavirus and Employment Law

Health and safety First and foremost, in most people’s minds, will be the health and safety of employees and participants. Sports venue owners owe health and safety duties to anyone using their premises, but here we concentrate on the duties …

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Coronavirus and D&O insurance policies – will we see an increase in claims?

The decisions made and actions taken, or not taken, by companies and their directors in response to the COVID-19 crisis are being intensely scrutinised by regulators, shareholders, and creditors alike. It is anticipated that some businesses may face claims relating …

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Coronavirus & Flexible Furlough: Changes to the Job Retention Scheme

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak has announced changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme from 1 August 2020. In June and July, the Scheme will continue as before, with the Government covering 80% of the cost of furloughed employees’ …

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