Tag Archives: employment

Coronavirus: What happens if you have a vulnerable person in your household?

This is a stressful time. It is even more stressful if you have a loved one in your household who has been identified by the government as ‘extremely vulnerable’. Many employees will be faced with this dilemma, and many employers …

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Coronavirus: Update on support available for the Self-Employed

Rishi Sunak has provided further detail on his proposed measures to assist the self-employed weather a likely downturn in work during the coronavirus lockdown. These measures are in addition to the earlier proposals on tax and VAT deferrals which we …

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Coronavirus: Your Employment Questions Answered

If you cannot find the answer you are looking for or would like some more bespoke advice, please call our Employment Lawyers for up to 30 minutes of free legal advice to guide you through the new challenges we are …

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Coronavirus: Chancellor to announce support for the Self-Employed

However, the House of Commons Public Bill Committee has now sought to include protection for the self-employed under an amendment to the Coronavirus Bill currently before Parliament (which we expect to be passed swiftly). It proposes that freelancers and self-employed …

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Should employers be aware of employee disabilities if they are not disclosed?

Many employers ask new recruits to complete a questionnaire declaring any disabilities they may have. Unfortunately, it’s not at all uncommon for employees to fail to answer this question accurately or avoid disclosing any disabilities, such as a history of …

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Overview of the UK Gig economy

The gig economy as a labour market is characterised by short-term contracts or freelance work rather than permanent jobs. It is very much a product of the IT revolution enabling agile working and alternative business models such as Uber or …

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