Tag Archives: Private Equity

How working from home became a factor in private equity M&A

One of the many legacies of the COVID-19 pandemic is the fact that it supercharged the acceleration of many companies towards hybrid working practices. Many companies had no option but to embrace the “new normal” of trying to do business …

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Is your next transaction a matter of national security?

The potential for UK Government intervention in matters of national security is nothing new, nevertheless, the National Security & Investment Act 2021 (NSI Act) which came into force in January 2022 has fundamentally changed when such interventions can occur. Compared …

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5 tips when seeking Private Equity Investment

There is a surplus of Private Equity money chasing too few genuinely good investment prospects. As such, if you are the right company, now is a great time to get the correct financial backing. However, when seeking investment there are …

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Financial Services Winter update 2021

Private Equity disputes – Clawing their way back? The post-Covid economic recovery has seen high levels of M & A activity, with private equity firms eager to deploy funds following a muted 2020. Nichola Leach discussed whether this is likely to lead to an …

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When the subsidies move out, private equity moves in

Governments are running out of money. There is no magic money tree, and it is obvious that soon the support that has been provided to prop up struggling businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic will start to taper away. Businesses that …

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Top 5 tips for successful Private Equity investment

In this short video Ragavan Arunachalam provides a detailed overview of how to make a successful private equity investment. If you have been interested in investing in privately owned companies, but have been put off by the less than transparent …

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