Tag Archives: pandemic

Boom in prenups as post-COVID wedding numbers look set to soar

UK Weddings Taskforce, a trade body representing the wedding industry in a report in January 2021 estimates that some 824,000 weddings are planned in 2021 and 2022, following 95% of weddings planned for 2020 postponed following the COVID pandemic.   And says …

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When the subsidies move out, private equity moves in

Governments are running out of money. There is no magic money tree, and it is obvious that soon the support that has been provided to prop up struggling businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic will start to taper away. Businesses that …

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Ministry of Justice releases its Quarterly Family Court Statistics

“As predicted, Lockdown has led to an increase (5%) in the number of divorce cases started in the last quarter of 2020. This is not, though,  quite the catastrophic rise predicted by some, with many couples probably holding off from …

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Furloughing: Does staying home to limit a shielding individual’s exposure to Coronavirus constitute a ‘caring responsibility’?

As vaccination rates continue to increase, it is hoped by everyone that the dilemma of whether someone living with an individual who is clinically extremely vulnerable can be furloughed or not will soon be a thing of the past. However, …

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‘Pandemic, Professions and Progression’: the impact of COVID upon working women 

Join our panel as they discuss ‘Pandemic, Professions and Progression: the impact of COVID upon working women’. Chaired by Collyer Bristow Partner Tania Goodman the panel for this webinar, recorded in February 2021, features Amy Hambleton (RedLaw Recruitment) Maria Hind …

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Furlough Extension: Further Guidance Released

Following the government’s announcement last week that furlough is to be extended until 31 March 2021, further guidance on the scheme has now been published. If you missed our furlough extension update last week, click here for the key points …

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End of Furlough – what happens next?

The Job Support Scheme The Job Support Scheme starts on 1 November 2020, immediately after the furlough scheme ends. The government will step in to partially top up pay for workers who are not needed to work their full contracted …

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