Tag Archives: LIBOR

Libor transition update: Synthetic rates for Sterling and Yen

The FCA has confirmed that synthetic rates will be published for 1, 3 and 6 month Sterling and Yen LIBOR from the 1st of January 2022, for at least 12 months. These rates will be available for use in all legacy …

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Financial Services Winter update 2021

Private Equity disputes – Clawing their way back? The post-Covid economic recovery has seen high levels of M & A activity, with private equity firms eager to deploy funds following a muted 2020. Nichola Leach discussed whether this is likely to lead to an …

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Financial Services Spring update

Join members of Collyer Bristow’s Financial services team as they discuss the latest issues facing the industry as we begin to emerge from the lockdown and come to terms with the impacts of the pandemic and Brexit. Nigel Brahams, Partner, …

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FCA announcement on future cessation and loss of representativeness of the LIBOR benchmarks In March this year, the FCA confirmed that all 35 LIBOR settings will either cease to be published by the ICE Benchmark Administration and/or will no longer …

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Competing LIBOR Transition Proposals Create More Problems

As the Dec. 31, 2021, end date for Libor approaches, it is becoming increasingly apparent that it will not be possible for market participants to amend all legacy contracts to add Libor fallback provisions or replace or ameliorate problematic fallback …

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Covid-19 and the regulators

As we begin to emerge from the Covid-19 lockdown, in this webinar the team discuss: The impact of the Pandemic on SMCR and whether things will return to normal or to a new normal post lockdown. The latest guidance to …

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FCA extends deadline for ceasing to issue new loans based on LIBOR – what does this mean for lenders and borrowers?

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, the FCA has decided to extend its deadline for ceasing to issue new loans based on LIBOR until the end of Q1 2021. Banking & financial disputes Partner, Janine Alexander, comments on the …

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Real estate businesses facing LIBOR crunch, finds Collyer Bristow research

Real estate businesses are facing a LIBOR crunch, with over half of property businesses with borrowing yet to speak to lenders about alternative interest rate benchmarks, finds research commissioned by Collyer Bristow. Read the full white paper report, “Getting to …

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Libor transition and loans – what borrowers in the real estate market need to know

The London Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR) is the benchmark reference rate commonly used in commercial loans to calculate interest payments in variable (floating) rate loans.  LIBOR is now being phased out meaning significant changes for the loan and interest rate …

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