Tag Archives: COVID-19

Coronavirus lockdown Loosens: Government Announces Relaxation of Restrictions

Boris Johnson has announced a relaxation of the current regime of lockdown restrictions from Saturday 4 July when: pubs and restaurants can reopen; hairdressers and barbers can reopen; two households can meet in any setting with appropriate social distancing; some …

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Coronavirus & Flexible Furlough: Changes to the Job Retention Scheme

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak has announced changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme from 1 August 2020. In June and July, the Scheme will continue as before, with the Government covering 80% of the cost of furloughed employees’ …

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Coronavirus Recovery: an overview of The UK Government’s phased strategy

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on 10 May regarding the first steps out of the lockdown  the Government has now published detailed guidance called  “Our Plan to Rebuild: The UK Government’s Covid-19 Recovery Strategy.” This sets out three distinct phases …

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Coronavirus: How should landlords of multi-tenant offices manage safety in common areas?

Businesses across the UK will soon begin to return to their offices as the current lockdown restrictions are eased. And whilst government is providing advice to businesses on how they should manage the safety of staff, questions are being raised …

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How will the housing market change post Covid-19? Seven predictions from CB (video)

The housing market has been hit hard by Covid-19 and will take some time to recover. But, as research from Collyer Bristow published earlier this year in its Home Ownership Attitudes and Aspirations report shows, home ownership remains the number …

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How will the housing market change post Covid-19? Seven predictions…

The housing market has been hit hard by Covid-19 and will take some time to recover. But, as research from Collyer Bristow published earlier this year in its Home Ownership Attitudes and Aspirations report shows, home ownership remains the number …

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Grievances and Disciplinary Meetings during Lockdown – Proceed or Postpone?

Employers have had to respond to the unique challenges faced by the Covid-19 pandemic, adjusting to the current lockdown by making most employees work remotely from home. This poses potential challenges in running disciplinary, performance and grievance procedures with the …

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How is the Aviation industry managing with COVID-19?

Markets around the world are in treacherous and uncharted waters (US oil benchmark goes negative?!) and the aviation sector looks to be in just about as bad a shape as any. The word ‘unprecedented’ may be in danger of becoming …

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Coronavirus: Furlough Leave – HMRC portal now open

Around four weeks after first being announced by the government, HMRC went live with its furlough portal at 7am on Monday 20 April. You can access the portal here. There were some inevitable teething problems and the website, as expected, …

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Coronavirus: FCA Senior Managers & Certification Regime

The FCA recognises that firms directly affected by coronavirus will have to keep governance arrangements under review and adapt as and when circumstances change due to coronavirus-related events. Senior Managers should be considering what impact the current coronavirus situation may …

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