Yearly Archives: 2020

Coronavirus update: Job Support Scheme

The Job Support Scheme (Open for Business) The Job Support Scheme (Open) should be used when a business can open safely and has not been forced to close. At its core, from 1 November 2020 the government will contribute to …

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Coronavirus bulletin: Shielding Revisited

This guidance aims to be less restrictive and strike a careful balance between the psychological impact of measures to protect the extremely clinically vulnerable and the physical health risks of the virus. People in this category are being advised to …

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What the FCA’s business interruption case means for your business

In June 2020, the Financial Conduct Authority initiated a claim against eight defendant insurers, seeking to answer the question of whether business interruption losses caused by the Covid-19 pandemic are covered under certain insurance policies. The regulator adopted an impressive …

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Test-and-trace data sharing: a healthy lesson for private-sector businesses on the importance of transparency

The BBC reported this week that the UK Department of Health and Social Care could share contact-tracing information with police in England, given there is a legal requirement to isolate after a positive test. The news of this practice quickly prompted a flurry of concerned commentary from public health officials and privacy campaigners, with the British Medical Association warning that police involvement could be counterproductive, insofar as it could deter individuals from testing for COVID-19.Though this news concerns the public sector, the public reaction to it serves as a useful reminder of the importance of transparency to private-sector organisations who process personal data. If you collect individuals’ personal data and share that data with third parties, even if only occasionally, the GDPR requires that you give clear information about these data sharing practices to those individuals at the time when you collect their personal data. This should ideally be communicated via your privacy notice, which must state the recipients of the shared personal data.Provided your lawful basis for processing the shared personal data is not consent, it is possible for only ‘categories of recipients’ to identified rather than named, individual recipients, but if you opt to take this less specific approach, you will need to be able to demonstrate why it is fair to do so and endeavour to be as specific as possible about the type of recipient (such as what industry or sector it belongs to) and its location. If, however, you are relying on consent as your lawful basis, then your privacy notice should specifically identify the recipients of the personal data, especially if they are third-party independent or joint controllers. Otherwise, there is a risk that the GDPR’s requirement for the consent to be specific will not be met.As this news story illustrates, the more upfront with individuals you are at the outset about the way you handle their personal data, the more confidence they will have in your organisation. It is more difficult to gain back trust once lost than it is to lose it in the first place.

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Good(ish) news for BA

In July 2019 the Information Commissioners Office announced an intention to fine BA £183M for infringements of the GDPR. Around 400,000 users of the BA website had been diverted to a fraudulent site where the customers’ login, payment and travel details were harvested. The breach was not discovered until 2 months later. The ICO considered that BA’s security measures were inadequate and proposed the largest ever fine, albeit well below the maximum fine that could have been imposed. It not only reflected the seriousness of the specific breach but sent a message to large corporates that, unless they paid close attention to data privacy, they could expect very tough enforcement measures for breaches.Since then, BA has taken steps to improve the security of the data obtained via its website and has cooperated with the ICO, while challenging the size of the proposed fine.The ICO has today announced that the fine actually imposed is £20M. This is obviously a very welcome reduction in BA’s liability at a time when its business has been decimated by the coronavirus. It also reflects the benefit of swift action to remedy a breach (so far as possible) and close cooperation with the ICO. Nevertheless, it is still the largest fine confirmed by the ICO, reinforcing the fundamental importance of GDPR compliance.  

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End of Furlough – what happens next?

The Job Support Scheme The Job Support Scheme starts on 1 November 2020, immediately after the furlough scheme ends. The government will step in to partially top up pay for workers who are not needed to work their full contracted …

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Top 5 tips for successful Private Equity investment

In this short video Ragavan Arunachalam provides a detailed overview of how to make a successful private equity investment. If you have been interested in investing in privately owned companies, but have been put off by the less than transparent …

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Government delivers further blow to landlords in further restricting winding-up petitions

The government has confirmed that restrictions on commercial landlords on presenting a winding-up petition against tenants that have not paid rent are to be extended to the end of 2020. The announcement follows confirmation last week that it has extended …

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Competing LIBOR Transition Proposals Create More Problems

As the Dec. 31, 2021, end date for Libor approaches, it is becoming increasingly apparent that it will not be possible for market participants to amend all legacy contracts to add Libor fallback provisions or replace or ameliorate problematic fallback …

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CORONAVIRUS UPDATE: Working From Home (again)

According to the Office of National Statistics, on 13 September, the number of people travelling into the workplace was more than triple those working from home (62% and 20% respectively). Before August the number of people travelling to work and …

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