Author Archives: Alice Heathfield

Libor transition and loans – what borrowers in the real estate market need to know

The London Interbank Offer Rate (LIBOR) is the benchmark reference rate commonly used in commercial loans to calculate interest payments in variable (floating) rate loans.  LIBOR is now being phased out meaning significant changes for the loan and interest rate …

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Home ownership aspirations – is the ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’ in London starting to run dry?

Home ownership remains the ultimate goal for ‘Generation Rent’ yet aspirations to buy a home within the next five years are dimmed compared to just a year ago according to the second annual Collyer Bristow Home Ownership Attitudes and Aspirations …

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How to make use of Entrepreneurs Relief

In its General Election manifesto, the Conservative Party promised to “review and reform” Entrepreneurs Relief, noting that it has not “fully delivered on [its] objectives”. Now that the Conservatives have formed the new government – with a significant majority – …

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How do the family courts approach international child cases?

As international relationships are becoming more common, so too are disputes over where a child shall live when parents separate. The recent case of AB v CD [2019] EWHC 3543 (Fam) highlights this. The case involved a British father and …

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Sue, Chef? Protecting a Chef’s name

A professional chef who generates excitement and comment about the dishes they create enhances not only the reputation of the restaurant where they work, but also their personal professional reputation. They quite literally make a name for themselves and the …

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How do I solve my transatlantic inheritance tax problem?

I am a US citizen who has lived in the UK for nearly 20 years. As an only child  I stand to inherit significant assets from my elderly mother, who has most of her money in individual retirement accounts in …

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How can I ensure my child gets the best education?

My ex-husband and I have recently divorced. We have a son who is due to start senior school this year and I am worried that my ex-husband and I will not agree on which school our son should attend, for …

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Leasehold Properties – How changes could affect English markets

On 27 June 2019, the government announced its proposals to legislate in relation to onerous ground rents and to prohibit the sale of long leaseholds of residential houses, amongst other unfair leasehold industry practices. This has been on the agenda …

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Singularis: the Supreme Court upholds the Quincecare duty

In a case “bristling with simplicity”, the Supreme Court in Singularis Holdings Ltd v Daiwa Capital Markets Europe Ltd[1]  confirmed that financial institutions remain under a duty (the “Quincecare duty”) not to execute a customer’s payment instructions where they are …

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Commercial leases – a world apart from assured shorthold tenancies

Residential property investors are increasingly adding commercial properties to their portfolios.  But commercial leases are a very different beast to the assured shorthold tenancies (AST) most residential property investors will be familiar with. Jonathan Wood a property lawyer at Collyer …

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