Author Archives: Alice Heathfield

Home ownership now comes later in life

The Office for National Statistics in data published this week reports that young adults are having to wait on average eight years longer to get onto the housing ladder compared to two decades ago.  It says that in 1997 the …

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Do payment processors wield too much power?

Press reports covering the recent distressed sale of Flybe to the consortium Connect Airways (subject to the deal receiving shareholder approval on 4 March 2019) suggest that one of the reasons for the airline’s alarming decline (towards what would in …

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Court of Appeal confirms bank’s wide discretion in determining “fair market value” for ‘repo’ trades under Global Master Repurchase Agreement

In particular, when assessing “fair market value”, the non-defaulting party is entitled to have regard to any distressed or illiquid market conditions that were being experienced at the relevant time. Background  Landsbanki Islands (“LBI”), an Icelandic bank, had entered into …

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‘Strexit’- dealing with workplace, stress, depression and anxiety

Ever had to deal with a toxic work environment? Being undermined? A lack of support? Working to tight deadlines under pressure? One can only assume this would resonate quite strongly with Theresa May at present. In a wider context however, …

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Drone related incidents – The costs for airlines

The impact on passengers following the Gatwick incident, where drone sightings caused the runway to be closed for over 24 hours, has been well documented. It has been estimated that somewhere in the region of 140,000 travellers had their plans …

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Proceed with caution when offering professional advice as a favour

The decision, which saw the architect facing a £265,000 claim, is welcome but does not change the law. Whether substantial professional advice is given freely or charged without entering into a formal contract, a duty of care remains. In 2013 …

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The “Good Work Plan” heralds a new round of employment law reform for employers

A new round of employment law reform is upon us. In an attempt to improve the rights of zero hour, agency and Gig Economy workers (previously identified by Theresa May as “just about managing”), the Government is set to implement …

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Taking tax online?

The Office for Tax Simplification has released its first report on how HMRC’s process of collecting inheritance tax could be improved by simplifying forms and making more of the process digital. These are the sorts of changes that might not …

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Could a property ‘Logbook’ speed up the conveyancing process?

At the Annual mortgage Conference held earlier this month, government officials criticised the delays in current conveyancing processes. It was stated that it takes an average of 19 weeks to get from acceptance of an offer to completion. One of …

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The easiest way to avoid shareholder disputes

A shareholders’ agreement is a contract entered into between some or all of the shareholders in a company. A shareholders’ agreement regulates the relationship between the shareholders – they are most often used to give protection to the shareholders’ investments …

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