Author Archives: Molly Jones

ESG litigation: shareholder actions under FSMA 2000: Important questions

Public companies are under increasing pressure to publish information about their environmental, social and governance (ESG)-related policies and practices. This pressure is being generated by changing investor attitudes, with a growing number of investors only wanting to invest in companies …

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Flexible working may disadvantage women

Flexible working initiatives have been largely welcomed by those who see more traditional modes of working as a barrier to workplace equality. Although working from home is perhaps the most prominent form of flexible working, the term refers to any …

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Mediating contact arrangements – Is it for you?

Not only is mediation cost effective for families, but it also reduces the damaging impact that lengthy court proceedings can have on both children and their parents and has consistently been encouraged by the courts. So what is mediation? Parents …

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Annual Compensation Limit Increase

Each year the government increases the maximum compensation limits associated with certain employment rights. The government recently announced two key increases to compensation limits for Employment Tribunal claims: a week’s basic pay will increase from £544 to £571 the maximum …

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Selling at auctions: Hammering home a sale

The main advantages of selling at an auction are certainty of sale upon the fall of the hammer, and speed in that the sale contract is binding on acceptance of a bid at auction, which cuts out lengthy negotiations. Ease …

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Thoughts on new measures to tackle “dirty money” in the UK

Politicians, tax campaigners and journalists have said for years that the UK is the destination of choice for Russian – and other – kleptocrats to launder and live well off their illegally obtained wealth. As Dame Margaret Hodge MP, chair …

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Changes to isolation rules and impact on workers

These changes will mean some workers who test positive for COVID will face a difficult choice about whether to stay at home if their sick pay is insufficient or they do not qualify for Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). Currently, those …

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Hybrid working is here to stay

The BBC reported that more than 80% of surveyed managers said their companies had adopted a hybrid model of working, most of which adopting flexible working since the pandemic. Flexible working is where an individual’s working pattern is varied from …

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Golden Visas: Scrapped within weeks

Overview: Sometimes known as “golden visas”, Investor visas allow access to the UK for wealthy foreigners who invest at least £2m in UK businesses. However, there has been a long-standing perception that the route is open to abuse for those …

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Digital assets law and regulation- time for an update?

Nigel Brahams, Partner and Simon de Broise, Senior Associate from Collyer Bristow’s FinTech team were joined by Professor Sarah Green, Law Commissioner for Commercial and Common Law and Matthew Kimber, Lawyer at The Law Commission, to discuss the latest issues …

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