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US tax changes could be imminent

The US House Committee on Ways and Means has proposed a raft of US tax changes intended to help fund the new administration’s grand infrastructure programme. Contained within the proposals are significant changes to some key estate planning tools that …

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US/UK giving

Considering the UK tax rules on lifetime gifts can be complex, but having to marry these with the corresponding US rules if the donor and/or recipient are also US taxpayers can make the task yet more difficult. A donor can …

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Gifting in the Arts (CGS v AIL)

The Arts Council England saw a record-breaking year in 2020 with the value of cultural objects and art entering public ownership equating to an impressive £64.5 million with £40 million of tax liabilities being settled in return. Philanthropic giving of …

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How can I help my children buy a house?

The Bank of Mum and Dad supported more than half of first-time buyers under the age of 35 in 2020 and is the sixth largest lender in the UK. The average amount provided by the Bank of Mum and Dad …

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Two Countries Divided by a Lifetime Trust

In this latest episode of UK USA, Senior Associate Aidan Grant is joined by Gillian Everall, Managing Director at Everfair Tax. Together they discuss the complex topic of lifetime trusts, looking at why they are favoured by Americans, how they …

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Those Two Certain Things – Death and Taxes

In this podcast series from Collyer Bristow, Senior Associate Aidan Grant, from our Tax and Estate Planning team, welcomes a variety of guest speakers to discuss UK tax matters and more, all with a US flavour. In this latest episode …

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UK USA: The Road to Efficiency

In this podcast series from Collyer Bristow, Senior Associate Aidan Grant, from our Tax and Estate Planning team, welcomes a variety of guest speakers to discuss UK tax matters and more, all with a US flavour. In this latest episode, …

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Mixed US/UK Marriages

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UK USA: Crossing the Pond

In this latest podcast series from Collyer Bristow, Senior Associate Aidan Grant, from our Tax and Estate Planning team, welcomes a variety of guest speakers to discuss UK tax matters and more, all with a US flavour. In this first …

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Making a success of UK-US cross-border estate planning

It is said that the US and UK are two countries divided by a common language. When it comes to tax and succession law this often bears out; the fact that both countries use similar terminology (like ‘domicile’, ‘trust’ or …

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