Author Archives: Alice Heathfield

Growth journey’s end – When billionaires divorce

News of Bill and Melinda Gates’ divorce only surfaced once a deal had been done and every “i” had been dotted and “t” crossed in their no doubt mammoth and confidential settlement agreement. So the world never got to witness …

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Aviation Conversations: Return to the Skies

Collyer Bristow Senior Associate Simon de Broise is joined by Chris Tarry from CTAIRA to discuss the challenges still facing the aviation industry as restrictions start to ease. Running time: 28 mins

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Archegos fallout raises troubling questions over bank risk controls

Questions have been raised as to whether the loss was a result of risk and compliance not doing their job or whether their views were ignored by business heads. Those in charge of the business may have been more attracted …

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Boom in prenups as post-COVID wedding numbers look set to soar

UK Weddings Taskforce, a trade body representing the wedding industry in a report in January 2021 estimates that some 824,000 weddings are planned in 2021 and 2022, following 95% of weddings planned for 2020 postponed following the COVID pandemic.   And says …

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UK – Tackling Tax Avoidance

The U.K. government released its first “Tax Day” consultations on March 23, 2021, following the March 3 budget, on future measures not included in this year’s Finance Bill. The government sensibly refrained from announcing wide-ranging and untimely changes to inheritance …

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Financial Services Spring update

Join members of Collyer Bristow’s Financial services team as they discuss the latest issues facing the industry as we begin to emerge from the lockdown and come to terms with the impacts of the pandemic and Brexit. Nigel Brahams, Partner, …

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Buying a private jet: Purchasing

Head of Collyer Bristow’s Luxury Assets team, Howard Ricklow is joined by JetCraft’s Sales Manager, Colin Dunne to discuss the intricacies of buying your first jet. From cosmetics to charter, they cover the most frequently asked questions from private clients …

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Government asks landlords and tenants for views on commercial rents and Covid pandemic

The government moratorium on landlords, that prevents the forfeiture of a lease for non-payment of rent and on the statutory use of winding up orders, will come to an end on 30 June. Whilst the government has extended these restrictions …

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Right to disconnect – will this become a new legal right?

A recent poll by Opinium showed that about 35% of remote workers said their work-related mental health had worsened during the pandemic. 30% of those surveyed said they were working more unpaid hours than before, with 18% reporting at least …

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Alfresco dining opens up – but what do you need to know?

THE PROBLEM The UK’s bars, pubs and restaurants will once again reopen to customers from 12 April. However, tough restrictions will mean that diners will only be allowed to eat and drink outside. The government is looking to make it …

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