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How can I help my children buy a house?

The Bank of Mum and Dad supported more than half of first-time buyers under the age of 35 in 2020 and is the sixth largest lender in the UK. The average amount provided by the Bank of Mum and Dad …

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When the subsidies move out, private equity moves in

Governments are running out of money. There is no magic money tree, and it is obvious that soon the support that has been provided to prop up struggling businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic will start to taper away. Businesses that …

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Why private equity should not be feared

Watching the actor playing Stewy in HBO’s hit Succession do his vaudeville villain act, I was moved to remark to my partner that not all who work in private equity are like that. While it is true that there are instances that …

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Cov-lite covenants leading to disputes between borrowers and lenders

The Covid-19 pandemic has meant that many businesses are needing to take on additional debt. Some have been attempting to take advantage of looser Cov-lite loan provisions to transfer assets into subsidiaries out of reach of lenders and then use …

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Top 5 tips for successful Private Equity investment

In this short video Ragavan Arunachalam provides a detailed overview of how to make a successful private equity investment. If you have been interested in investing in privately owned companies, but have been put off by the less than transparent …

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Real estate businesses facing LIBOR crunch, finds Collyer Bristow research

Real estate businesses are facing a LIBOR crunch, with over half of property businesses with borrowing yet to speak to lenders about alternative interest rate benchmarks, finds research commissioned by Collyer Bristow. Read the full white paper report, “Getting to …

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Brexit -The impact on SMEs, Entrepreneurs and Investors

At our recent Brexited.London seminar, Henk Potts, Director of Global Investment Strategy for Barclays Private Bank gave us his insights on the current and post-Brexit developments on the UK and global markets. Here are some of the key points Henk …

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The Rose Report: navigating funding options

Last year, HM Treasury commissioned an independent review into barriers to female entrepreneurship in the UK to Alison Rose, the Deputy CEO of NatWest Holdings and CEO, Commercial and Private Banking. The Rose Review has now been published and revealed …

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He-Man Dual Controls purchase

We acted for a company backed by private equity (including Jon Moulton) in its purchase of He-Man Dual Controls – a leading manufacturer of dual-control systems for cars. In addition to the acquisition we also advised on the equity financing …

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Is Blockchain technology set to revolutionise the art market?

A notable trend since Bitcoin gained its popularity has been an incredible rise in the interest in the technology behind Bitcoin known as Blockchain, which is the “thing” which allows cryptocurrencies to function. Some statistics indicate that the global blockchain …

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